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Denied Bluag's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Bluag, May 5, 2014.

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  1. Bluag

    Bluag New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Bluag
    Date/Time: 5/4/2014 | approx. 11:30 Pacific Time
    Reason: Mouse macro
    Ban Length: Unsure, Screen said "This ban is: Appeal"
    Staff Member: Oroperion

    Why I hope you will consider my appeal:

    While in hindsight I realize it would obviously be illegal, at the time I used the macro I was not aware that it was explicitly against the rules of Meepcraft. I find Meepcraft to be a wonderful and enjoyable place, and would wish to come back. If you allow me back on the server I will always ask before attempting something I think is of questionable legality.

    Hoping to hear back from you soon,

    --- Double Post Merged, May 5, 2014, Original Post Date: May 5, 2014 ---
    While I still understand the basic reason for which I have been banned, and while I am not about to dispute the ban's legitimacy, I have not found a place in the rules which states that keybinds/macros are illegal (having just re-read them). I would agree that it is an unfair advantage, which could possibly fall under "Using any glitch that gives you an unfair advantage and/or being warped somewhere that requires you to use a glitch."

    Nonetheless, I feel that such a broad area of ban possibilities as keybinds and macros should be listed under section 4 of the general rules. While I understand I have no real standing on the server or site, I hope you will take this suggestion into consideration, as I believe it would benefit the server and the people who use it.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
    Qaztar likes this.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    4. Hacking/Cheating
    The use of any hack, modification, glitch, or texture pack to give yourself an unfair advantage falls under this category. Suspicion of use of a hacked client is reason enough to ban. The things that violate this rule are but not limited to:
    • A modified Minecraft Client
    If you are unsure about a certain modification, ask a staff member before proceeding. Disclosing any information to another player about how to hack/cheat is also considered illegal as well as speaking about hacking/duping casually as if it's okay.

    You had the full opportunity to ask a helper+ if your actions were allowable on this server, why didn't you?
  3. Bluag

    Bluag New Meeper

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    I understand I had that opportunity, although at the time it did not come to mind. I will not attempt to justify my actions; I was stupid and irresponsible. All I can do is apologize in the hopes of returning.
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Hi bluag,

    Thank you for your honesty. For now, this is denied, but consider appealing in 2 weeks to a month.

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