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Bernie Sanders

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Mar 20, 2016.


Bernie Sandwiches

  1. He seems unreasonable and promises things he can't make happen.

  2. He seems fair and his policies would greatly benefit the country.

  3. Mixed.

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Perhaps it would a bit, but if you look into areas that have begun trying this (Seattle), this hasn't really been the case. I don't think anyone really knows what will happen if this were a national policy.

    What it could do is give people more disposable income, which they would spend, generating further revenue for society to use. It's been proven time and time again that the ultra wealthy do not spend at the rates most people do, so the money going up isn't necessarily going back down through the system, which a healthy economy needs.
    Skaros123 and _Gimble_1. like this.
  2. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen Ah ok, thanks alot for clearing that up :D
  3. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Zoe89, Maneo and lordusan like this.
  4. Maneo

    Maneo Popular Meeper

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    I have yet to hear a viable way to pay for his "ideas". Taxing the top 1% won't touch what he needs to pay for, much less improve our national debt. I'm moving to Canada if Him OR Trump get elected.
  5. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    @Maneo So are you for Clinton, Cruz, Kasich or none then? (just curious)
  6. Maneo

    Maneo Popular Meeper

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    As far as I'm concerned no current candidate is suitable to run our country. Even independent runners don't appeal to me this election. Luckily I'm 17 so I don't need to deal with the nasty decision of choosing the "lesser of the evils."

    Donald(Trump) is immature and ridiculous, and extremely uninformed / misinformed. While his ideas appeal to many, including me to some extent, he gives little to no answer as for how he plans to go about executing his ideas, much less who will be involved. I recommend you do your own research on him, but this videos a good place to start: How Trump Uses Language

    John(Kasich) simply doesn't appeal to me at all, nor does he focus on the issues that matter. I am yet to find a healthy balance between Democrat and Libertarian that isn't biased. Unfortunately he continues the long list of people who doesn't make the cut.

    Hillary(Clinton) Is probably the most untrustworthy woman in the United States right now. I'm not even referring to her recent email allegations. Again, do your own research here and you will find a dictionary full of lies she's told. This sums up Hillary.

    Bernie(Sanders) While he has many great points, his "Everyone gets a free pony" way of looking at America is ridiculous and bassackwards. Not to mention, if you actually crunch the numbers, his policies and plans if fully implemented will increase our national debt by many trillions in his first year.

    Independents Most use what I like to call a "I learned how" mentality. One might say I am qualified to be president as a 17 year old because I know more about our nuclear Triad than Donald Trump for example, but the practical application of me becoming president is absolutely impossible with our current political system.

    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2016 ---
    I didn't address Cruz, and for a reason: His judgment is simply too clouded, and he isn't progressive enough to solve our issues.
    _Gimble_1. likes this.
  7. _Gimble_1.

    _Gimble_1. Popular Meeper

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    @Maneo Ah ok, thanks for the information :)
  8. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    You do know that kansas.com is just another news organization that grabbed a catchy domain name, right?

    Here's an example of what I had reported on:

    And here's some more recent news, which highlights my point about how Brownback's policies failed to generate more jobs or more tax income, and put the budget in the toilet - now Republicans are flip-flopping on it: http://kcur.org/post/republicans-among-kansas-lawmakers-working-restore-business-tax

    Yes, all the industry created from WWII kept on churning, as we continued to stockpile tanks, ships, planes, and munitions, with no end in sight, right?

    Oh, no, the opposite happened... there was a huge drawdown of weapons production, millions of factory workers were sent home, and yet the economy kept on churning anyway. Huh.

    The article boils the entire New Deal down to one portion of the NIRA which promoted monopolies in exchange for collective bargaining. The NIRA was signed in 1933, and declared unconstitutional in 1935 by the Supreme Court. So... LOL. Sure, it wasn't great, but to hang a whole mass of policies on one piece is hilarious.
  9. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol I do now. Never pays to make assumptions, I guess :/.

    Ah. So they did want to pay them from an economic standpoint, but a moral one.
    Actually, in a way, it did. http://countrystudies.us/united-states/history-114.htm
    Well obviously they're not going to keep producing implements of war... They simply converted tank and plane factories into auto factories; food that would have gone to soldiers instead was sold to ex-soldiers.
  10. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    Also from an economic standpoint, because gaping hole in state budget.
  11. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah, it was a pretty stupid idea to cut tax income without cutting the budget lol.
  12. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    But that's exactly what Republicans, the alleged party of fiscal responsibility, always do. In fact, they tend to cut taxes while raising spending. It all started with Reagan, who made a massive tax cut while ramping up military spending and that Star Wars fiasco.

    So yeah, we agree - Republicans are (at least on fiscal policy) pretty stupid.
  13. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah, I could agree to that, at least in some cases.

    Democrats aren't much better though; they just suffocate businesses under increased taxes and raise spending on free handouts.
  14. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    The type of tax cuts Republicans keep putting forth are free handouts to the rich, so both believe in handouts, and the only difference is who are the intended recipients.

    And it turns out that some kinds of handouts actually turn out to be revenue-positive investments in the future. Education and health spending are obvious ways to improve collective productivity and economic output, but less obvious: food stamps and unemployment insurance: http://money.cnn.com/2008/01/29/news/economy/stimulus_analysis/

    Those are the same kinds of handouts that liberals support. Or, as they like to say, a hand-up, not a hand out. Turns out they're not just making stuff up.
  15. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    No. A handout is when money is given, a tax break is when money isn't taken away.

    I fully support a hand-up. But that's not how these handouts are used. People live their whole lives receiving welfare, and sometimes their children do too.

    You might be surprised that I agree with my world history teacher, that Communism and Socialism are wonderful systems, in theory. The problem is, they don't work in practice, which I also agree with my world history teacher on.
  16. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    Sorry, but when everyone else is paying over 20% on every form of income they earn, and you tell rich investors that their investment income (which they didn't earn by actually working for it) is super special and should only be taxed at 15%, that's a giveaway. When you tell them that their kids can inherit this money that they didn't earn by actually working for it, and pay 0% tax on that income, that's a giveaway.


    Ask the Scandinavians how they like socialism. They're healthier, wealthier, better educated, and happier than we are. They lead longer lives, have fewer infant deaths, lower poverty, lower crime, and lower rates of drug use. Be sure to tell them how much better off they'll be without socialism.

    Communism isn't even wonderful in theory.

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