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Bbycakes2012 Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by bbycakes2012, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    Bbycakes2012 Moderator Application.
    In Game Name: Bbycakes2012
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Bbycakes2012
    Mic use: Of course!
    Age: 18
    Timezone: Eastern Standard
    Hours online per weekday: 4-5 (Sometimes more)
    Hours online per weekend: 5-6
    Position Changes: Helper to Moderator

    Hello everyone, My name is Emily. But you all know me as, bbycakes. I have been playing meepcraft since January 2014. I have donated to receive the ultimate rank & applied for staff for the Helper position. I have been helper Since May 16th 2014. I am a senior in high school and I graduate In December. I'm very active & I enjoy running a lot. I love to run Cross Country. It's my passion and my favorite thing about school. I placed second place in region's meet in 2013 & I plan on placing 1st this year! I won medals in every race except 2 (State & a race with 150 other people). I would like to coach CC when I'm older if I can. I plan on going to Culinary school when I graduate High school Or maybe become a middle school or high school Science teacher. I work as a waitress & a hostess at a family cafe down the road from my house on Thursday - Saturday. I love working there! I also do some volunteer work with my church and school whenever something comes up! I also plan on applying for another full-time job when I finish High school.

    I have been helper on this server for a few weeks now. In my time as helper I have tried my hardest to do my job efficiently, correctly, and to my fullest potential. I have done as many modrequests as I have be able to do in my time as staff. I am confident and I believe I have the ability and am ready to step up in my role as a staff member and help the community more as a moderator. I feel as if I have not only handled many of every type of modrequest but yet helped many people with different situations and problems . Some easy, some very difficult alike. I have learned many of the HawkEye commands I can use and know how to use them well and when to use them! From simple command searches or radius searches, to the harder time-stamp searches. As a Helper on meepcraft I feel as if I have learned many new things and improved on things as well. From personal improvements on my confidence and knowledge of the server to Teamspeak activity, Forums activity, and many other things involving the server!

    I have improved greatly in my knowledge on HawkEye commands to know what ones to use in many different situations. I can find whatever information I need using the commands I have been taught by other staff members. I have even been helping the newer staff learn these commands as well when they have troubles or to help them out and find the information they need faster and more efficiently. I have learned many new things other than HawkEye commands. From helper or general staff commands to many new towny commands as well. I am able to help people with many commands in any part of the server if needed!

    My forums activity and Teamspeak activity has grown significantly from before I was a helper. I may not post many things on the forums but I always have it open in a tab & I read many posts on it everyday and check it many times a day. I try to make many new posts on forums under various category whenever I think of something interesting to post about. Before I was helper I didn't read forums much or post much. On Team Speak I now get on it every time I am playing on meep and try to connect with the community even more than I could in game or on forums. Unlike before I was helper I would barely talk at all or get on it. If you see me in staff channels on Ts with other people 90% of the time I am working on a modrequest, Getting help on a modrequest or helping someone else with something staff related!

    There are many types of modrequests filed every day. Many issues rise, Many questions are asked. Some are very easy but some are a lot harder and require a lot of work. From all the modrequests I have I have done some of every type with many different situations. I've learned a lot and have had much experience on the different issues and situations that the community has had. When I get a modrequest I make sure I answer the question the best I can. If I don't know the answer, I'll tell you I don't know but, that I will find out the answer or get someone that can help you with your issue. I take modrequests seriously. On more complicated modrequests if I am on TS I usually go into a channel by myself so I can concentrate on what I need to do and what I need to find to successfully finish it. If I struggle with something I NEVER hesitate to ask for help to clarify something or to learn how to do something. I want what I'm doing to be done right and be correct.

    My favorite modrequest I have done involved a plot scamming case. It was my first of the type. Someone reported they thought they were scammed 400k on a plot. While looking for previous commands using HawkEye, @reggles44 Taught me the time stamp search/filter. It makes it where you can look up a command, a message, or block place on a specific time and date From one date to another! I used to find what commands the scammer typed that day and what commands he typed on a specific plot using a radius search. I used the HawkEye teleports to teleport to all the plots he sold that day & over the next few days. While searching for the proof of the plot scam I discovered 4 other people were scammed by the same guy in the same day! The scammer ended up being perm banned for proof on 4 plot scams in just a few days. Knowing that even though someone did something wrong and tried to be as sneaky as they could be I was able to "catch the bad guy" as Cooley's would say & have them be banned / punished accordingly. Things like this is what makes me love being apart of staff.

    It's important for other staff as well as the community to know my weaknesses so they know what to expect from me as a moderator if they don't already know my weaknesses now. I wouldn't say this is a big issue or weakness but it is something I need to work or improve on. I do not have a lot of /kicks or bans. I have quite a few of reported bans but not many temp bans and kicks from /shout issues etc. I'm not a fast type so I always get beat to it [Not that it is a race]. I tend to misspell names wrong a lot of times too. Like I said I don't think this is a major issue preventing me from becoming Moderator.

    I am VERY hesitant on tacking action on some things as well. Like when to does come to temp banning people in shout I like to double check in the rules for the proper ban time or punishment etc. If I have the slightest doubt on it. So then in that, Someone else does it before me. also, I don't want to do a wrong punishment . I always verify with other staff to make sure I'm going to do the right thing or double check rules again. I'm very worried I will mess up or do something wrong. (As Chaos stated on my helper application I have some anxiety when it comes to this) I know how the community reacts sometimes to wrong bans or kicks etc. And I don't want to be in those positions. [ I know I shouldn't let the fear of that hold me back or make me second guess myself] But, I just need to get some more confidence and work on memorizing the bantimes more but it comes with practice. I know I can improve on all this by just being staff longer & doing it more. I see this as a strength and weakness at the same time. Its not good I second guess myself on things I DO without a doubt know but its also good because I don't get "ban happy" or jump the gun to quickly. I think it out and Make sure its correct.

    Another "weakness" is slowly approaching. School. My Senior year will be in August, Loaded with 4 academic classes, Cross country, work, and meep of course! I will have a full schedule. Its very important school comes first this semester I need good grades for scholarships since this is my last chance to get them. With cross country practice every day from August to end of November after school then work after practice AND studying for SAT's, Senior papers, and Graduation test. I wont have as much time to play meep as I do now. I will still play & try to balance it and play meep as much as I can. But I hope you understand that school and work are my number one priority. But during the summer I will have plenty of time to get more experience as staff.

    I hope I have explained why I believe I have what it takes to become a moderator. I want to help the community more than ever now and I feel as if I can do it. This is why I want to step up into this position. As I have said earlier I have learned a lot of new things & maybe mastered some things. I'm still learning [as are many others] and am not a perfect person or staff. I know I will make mistakes & I shouldn't let the fear of messing up & the outcome of it make me second guess myself to the chance I may not take action or take a long time to do anything. I will try my 100% hardest to improve on the things I'm not good at or confident in. I think once I overcome these weaknesses I feel as if I have the potential to become an even better staff member. No matter what happens here I love meepcraft and the community and I will continue to assist them in whatever ways I am capable of as the rank I am or rank I may be given. Thank you for reading.
    - Emily.
    p.s I hope my format isn't too weird or my app isn't too long. Please post some constructive comments below :)
  2. VorticoseSeven0

    VorticoseSeven0 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    + Active
    + Active in teamspeak
    + Mature
    + Very helpful
    + Good app
    Good luck ;)
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  3. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Good App
    Has the cutest voice ever

    Flamedemond and GingerManOWNS like this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Holy cow
    That app is like a novel, bby.
    Really, I see no reason to -1 this. You're reliable, you're awesome, helpful and sweet and kind.
    +2012. Good luck.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  5. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Ehh, now this is an app...so ehh I can't ehh say ehh no. +1
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  6. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You have done everything right and absolutely deserve this. +1
    pant2002 and GingerManOWNS like this.
  7. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 I love it! You do such a great job! Hope you get accepted
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  8. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

    Likes Received:
    I luff you +1

    I can't think of the words to describe my adoration of you :(
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
  9. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

    Likes Received:
    I see you put bbycakes instead of bbycakes2012 in your introduction section and as it would be unfair to promote this so called "bbycakes" along with bbycakes2012 I would have to say -1.

    Narrator - "Reggles44 later realized that bbycakes2012 was making it easier for people by not including the numbers after her name, and that changed his opinion very slightly to..."
  10. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:


    you were great as a Helper when I trained you, and I see potential
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  11. NotRyqn

    NotRyqn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    +1 reasons above
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  12. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 You, reggles, and chaos are the only one who handles my modreqs in an efficient and effective amount of time.
    chaos546 and GingerManOWNS like this.
  13. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    You are active, kind, helpful, friendly and obviously put in lots of time writing this app.
    I see no reason not to +1 this!
    Apart from the fact you made a typo and -1'd my app.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  14. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    •Super active
    •Super nice
    •Super helpful
    •Super active in shout
    •Super helper
    •Where's your mod title
    GOOD LUCK!!!! :)
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  15. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 you got helper on my birthday.

    Reasons above.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  16. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Different Time Zone But Yeh!
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

    Likes Received:
    Before I say anything, AMAZING application!
    bbycakes, you are a great helper, and you're always there when people need you. You're nice, mature, and a great staff member overall.
    +1 because I truly feel you are ready.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  18. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

    Likes Received:

    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  19. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    bbycakes, where do I start.
    I luff you. You are the sweetest person I have ever met on MeepCraft, almost hands-down. I had never met you before you got Helper, and you were always one of my absolute favorite co-workers. I almost think you should stay Helper because you are so helpful and sweet and you wouldn't excel in any other role quite like you have in Helper.

    Ah, whatever.

    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  20. TrinityIV

    TrinityIV Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I don't see much of you, but I see the time and effort you put into helping the community and your kindness.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
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