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bathroom policy

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Piper N, Mar 4, 2017.


how should transgenders be treated/ bathroom policy

  1. how you self identify

  2. your given gender

  1. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    Deljikho, Erebus45, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  2. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Like what? LOL
    MoonlitMadness, Natsu, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I said "what they are saying is false" because I will say one thing and y'all change it to another. I don't mean that what YOU say and what YOUR opinion is is false, I'm simply saying that what y'all say I'm saying is false.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 15, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2017 ---
    I'm about to board my plane, I have to go but when I land back home I will be back to respond!
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 15, 2017 ---
    Actually if I can connect to the airplane wifi I'll get on during my flight, thank god for JetBlue fly-fi.
  4. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    It's only "false"/"being twisted by us" because you can't find a good rebuttal to what we say.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 15, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2017 ---
    Maybe you should take a thing or two from The Debathiest's playbook. Regardless of his opinions on things, he always spelled/grammared/typed correctly, was able to get his thoughts/opinions/facts across and be understood, and he didn't resort to insulting people or their ideas when he ran out of material (note: he never ran out of material. Ever.). Even if he was horribly annoying he sure knew how to argue. It'd help your credibility a ton if you argued your points better, regardless of if we agree or disagree with them.
    qazini, Erebus45, Natsu and 3 others like this.
  5. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    Solution: Get rid of all restrooms and everyone can go pee or poop on the floor
    qazini, Natsu and BlackJack like this.
  6. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    I prefer the local creek personally.
    qazini, Erebus45, Natsu and 1 other person like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Not trying to change your opinion, I couldn't care less what you believe in this topic. What I dislike is the attempts to legislate this belief because it infringes on people's lives, and your belief isn't sufficient justification to impose it on anyone else, which is exactly what is being done.
    Pmx728, BlackJack and kwagscraft like this.
  8. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    I do this already
    Natsu, Pmx728 and BlackJack like this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I don't believe I've name called? Sure I have a few typing mistakes, blame autocorrect for that, I'm using my iPhone. I've never insulted you guys @BlackJack , by all means if my opinion hurts your feelings I'll gladly stop talking as obviously my opinion is being tossed, turned and thrown around and changed into something it's not.
  10. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    I think that tossing aside someone's argument because it's "unnecessary" is rather insulting. Flat out ignoring Muunkee's responses is insulting.
    Insulting me by insinuating that a debate on a Minecraft server would hurt my feelings. Deadass laughing btw, not insulting us yeah?
    And for the love of god man, don't play the victim either.
    Pmx728 and Muunkee like this.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm still not sure why I would care. I'm going to go in for 2 minutes and then leave. So is that person. I'm more uncomfortable with people talking on their phones in the bathroom than a dude being in there, honestly

    I never said you were false, I've been saying you have extremely contradicting points. Which is true, is it not?

    Attempting to constructively argue and to change people's minds using reasoning is the POINT of a debate.

    We literally haven't though. We've taken what you've said and we have taken it in a very literal stance, as is what one should do in a debate.

    You're calling us liars, see both blackjack and court calling you out on it above, and I've seen you've called people moron or idiot etc across debates

    You say this every single time your opinion gets challenged, you have no valid response to it, so you start shouting about how none of it matters, and then you say you quit then you keep going.

    I'm still waiting for a legit answer to my points
    I'll quote them for you in case you wanna see again :)

    qazini, Pmx728, Erebus45 and 3 others like this.
  12. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    What we are saying is not whether you insulted someone or not, we don't care what people say in a minecraft forum, that's not the problem. I couldn't careless if someone unfamiliar comes in to the bathroom and leaves in 2 minutes. The problem is that most of your opinions are only backed up by fallacies, that you never take time to respond to everyone, that you just say "everyone has their opinions" when you failed to get your point through.

    This isn't just on this thread but on other debate threads as well.

    I can't stop you from posting but your posts often contradict themselves
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    You guys are going too deep into a topic that doesn't need to be taken like you are taking it. If you are a boy go into the men's restroom, if you are a girl go into the female restroom. My point in this is for safety. Many people feel uncomfortable with an opposite sex person in the bathroom with them. Just because the handful of you guys don't doesn't mean the millions in this world don't. Look at the votes above, nearly 15 people have said "no trans people should not use the restroom in which the want" and around the same amount of people say "yes they should be able to". so @Muunkee even though I feel like I have answered your questions, I was not ignoring you, but some feel I have, I'm sorry if you felt that. Let me answer them for you now :) So! If you have (god knows I'm a Donald Trump supporter so don't think I'm bashing him because I voted him) but if someone like Donald Trump was to go to the bathroom in the female bathroom, I could guarantee you that you would feel uncomfortable, it's things like that that I want to stop. People like Donald Trump should be in the men's room. People like Nancy Pelosi should be in the female restroom. Sorry to bring up political people but you get what I'm saying? Right?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 15, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2017 ---
    Looking like Donald Trump, if he walked into a public restroom saying "I self identify as a female" should he be allowed to go into the female restroom?
  14. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    As long as he isn't trying to grab anyone by the p**** then I don't care. I don't care who goes in to what bathroom as long as they are in there to do their business and leave.

    Also, just because someone is a minority doesn't mean we should ignore their opinions, wants, and needs. We should work on a solution that is fair for everyone.
    Deljikho likes this.
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Think before you post.
    No because he has a history of sexual assault
    This contradicts itself.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Erebus45 how do you solve this? You let them or you don't. Wait we could also just have gender neutral/family bathrooms, right? Too bad they don't want that. That was also a topic of discussion. They said "it still doesn't make them feel like that gender".

    @WeAreNumberUno i did think.
    Donald Trump doesn't have a history of "sexual assault" and please don't turn this into a political discussion I obviously shouldn't have used him in this example but you know what I mean.

    How does my last statement contradict itself? Please explain.
  17. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    How about unisex bathrooms with stalls that go from ceiling to floor and have no gaps to peep through? Also, no need to get passive aggressive with me. I'm not saying the majority side is the only side needing to make compromises. It would also be nice to see who "they" are.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  18. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    You say its all about safety, but then say its just because people feel uncomfortable.

    If you want to say its about safety, please prove that allowing trans people to use the bathroom of there choice results in rape.
    SuperDyl and Erebus45 like this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You can't even provide evidence that shows this is even an issue, so safety isn't even a concern, because it almost never happens.

    Wouldn't the logical solution be for them to get over themselves, rather than forcing the state to legislate behavior? The issue isn't that people hold these views, but this is one of many areas that those on the right, despite making the claim of personal freedom and small government, insist in the government intruding into our lives. The kicker is these intrusions are based on unfounded ideas, literal ignorance.
    BlackJack and Erebus45 like this.
  20. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    1. You are now changing your point from "If you look like a girl go to girls" to "if you ARE a girl go into girls"
    2. I have provided sources that the safety is a non-issue, and that there are no statistics or available sources that I can find that say that there are more rapists in a restroom due to these changes

    3. please stop changing your arguements, you are really hard to debate seriously with when you have 42 different opinions

    I don't know who the nancy person is, I dont do the politics thing, but
    Sure a girl can go in the women's room (what?)
    I'm not going to feel uncomfortable with donald trump in there
    I don't see why I would
    again, Id be more uncomfortable with way more different parts of that situation, like "holy hell why are there a dozen security guards in the women's room?"
    (I'm funny)
    Seriousness, I wouldn't be uncomfortable because he was male, I would not be uncomfortable because the same person who said he'd grab women by the kitties was nearby. I've been around worse people, with the additional knowledge that worse people are next to me on a daily basis. Every day there's a risk that you'll be attacked. there are way more risky places than a public bathroom you can go in to get in such trouble, that some people go around often. One of those places is your own house.

    And besides I'm still not sure what "uncomfortable" has to do with it. If you're uncomfortable, wait for the situation to pass, or go somewhere else? it's not hard?
    its less than 4% of americans that are trans. the likelyhood that a single person will experience this situation is close to nothing. And if they do, it's like a 5 minute problem if they see it as a problem..
    so why is it a problem?

    When "normal" Males and females use the opposite sex's bathroom anyways and it's not an issue, it shouldnt be an issue now
    Deljikho likes this.

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