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bathroom policy

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Piper N, Mar 4, 2017.


how should transgenders be treated/ bathroom policy

  1. how you self identify

  2. your given gender

  1. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    He's saying you should grow up because you debate like a monkey.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But you didn't click the "What is your opinion?!" thread. You entered a debate thread, you're opinion is not relevant only facts are.
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    So I have a question for you: @Blue_marlin98 :

    Why do humans form opinions? What goes into forming an opinion, and what do people need to consider when forming them?
    Toostenheimer, qazini and Natsu like this.
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Can y'all not stay on topic? lol again, every time someone disagrees with YALL because I'm catching y'all on more then 1 thread it goes to how "I can't debate", Deinen, a debate is based off of a fact and someone's opinion on that. You posting a cop committing sexual assault has nothing to do with a self identified person, you are allowed to ask ridiculous question but I can't? Makes no sense.

    @metr0n0me please stay to the topic. I will answer your question tho because I'm gonna be quoted on it 500 times until I do, humans form opinions because we all have different views on a certain topic. They are based on someone else's opinion, fact or topic. We should consider other people's stand points, we should consider certain facts and we should consider debating nice and not saying the opposite side is debating like a monkey.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Except you haven't provided any facts which justify legislation on an issue that doesn't exist, especially when you disagree with legislation that would target a scenario that statistically have a higher chance of happening than bathroom rape.
  6. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    This is the one thing that I really didn't like that Obama didn't handle too well during his presidency; he never took a firm stance and catered minorities sometimes more than should be so.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    metr0n0me and Garde7 like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Obama did take a firm stance on bathroom / gender / etc. He had stated many times bathroom laws in the design of NC violate Title IX of the Education Amendments act, and threaten to pull federal funding (which is a recourse positioned within the act itself)

    Can you cite an example of where he catered to minorities? Obama was guilty of a lot of mis-steps absolutely, but I'm not sure if these two examples would be one of them. Of course, I could be absolutely wrong as well.
    Garde7 likes this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Well obviously you have more of a chance of being raped by a cop or someone in the field similar to them as there are much more of them in America. 250 cops per 100,000 residents compared to your what "3.5% of transgenders or self identified people" which honestly 3.5% of 310 million is quite a bit. Excluding all rape, crime etc etc we can go back to the point of being uncomfortable. Although a rapist is going to rape wether they can dress up like a girl declare themselves a female and go into the bathroom or not and by allowing them to do so I feel it is easier for them to do so. However, Ill still stand by the fact of "It makes some (some meaning most) women (and men with a female in the mens bathroom) feel uncomfortable. Why cant a girl or guy use the bathroom where they expose themselves (yes behind a door) a door that doesn't go to the roof and a door that stands a foot from the ground and has cracks you can see right through half the time. Dont women (and men) have the right to pee in privacy?

    Poll Shows The Majority Of Americans Oppose Transgender People Using Preferred Bathroom | The Huffington Post

    Obama took a firm stance on pro-choice bathrooms.

    Again, this is not a topic of who Obama catered too, this is a topic of "Should we allow a man and woman to decide what bathroom they want to use"? your question is a nonsense question.

    Why is it when Obama messes up its simply a "mis-step" but when Trump does something that "may or may not be wrong" he's trying to destroy America or is a complete "failure" who isn't "qualified"? Admit Obama had failures, Obama failed a lot, Obama did some good things but he failed too. Admit it! No President is perfect, no president is going to agree with every single person in America or in the world. Stop calling them "mis-steps" and admit he failed on many things! good grief.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ok, so being uncomfortable isn't justification to enact legislation. My recommendation would be stop being such a special snowflake and man up because you have no right to pee privately in a public restroom. You want privacy? Take a dump at home.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 10, 2017 ---
    Obama was a generally decent human being who screwed up.

    Trump is a fat lazy piece of shit liar
    Muunkee, Deljikho and Erebus45 like this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Again, within being a "snowflake" your typically someone who has more "Liberal" views. Liberals are the ones fighting for the "bathroom rights" so technically YOU are the snowflake. Now this topic isn't about who's a snowflake or not and you can continue to throw insults non stop is you please but it doesn't make your argument anymore valid then it was before.

    Actually you do have a right to use the PUBLIC bathroom without a "transgender or self identified" person in that bathroom. If you don't want to use the "safety" right we can always use the "privacy" right. We have a male and female bathroom for a reason.

    On another note, if transgendered or self identified people want to use the bathroom in which they "identify" as then they should also go to the prison in which they "identified" as to use the bathroom. Seems fair right?

    Trump has done way more charity then the Obamas and the Clintons have put together. Call Trump names all you want, again it just goes to show how immature you are. Trump hasn't done anything to show that he's a "fat lazy piece of s***" like you "claim". You have beat the horse with him "being a fat lazy piece is trash" the horse is dead, carry on. He's the president now GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT, and stop calling him names that your children should be calling him because their so stupid, immature and ignorant my 3rd grade little cousin could think of something better then that.
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    As usual, you're incorrect. Liberals aren't fighting for bathroom rights because they already exist, people who have any amount of sense are trying to fight a minority trying to legislate behavior for a poor excuse of a situation that doesn't happen.

    Have you taken a piss at a urinal or observed the massive gaping holes of a stall? Far cry from being private, buddy.

    Trump is a fat lazy lying piece of trash. He's a liar, he lies and he's lazy because he's always golfing. He's a failure because he hasn't succeeded in anything being President yet but done a whole lot of failing. He's so incompetent he cannot even vet his own staff properly and can't even stop his administration from fighting eachother and leaking.

    Trump is a laughing stock, get over it.

    He 100% is the President, but he's also a piece of shit.
    Natsu likes this.
  12. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    79 days into presidency, Obama hadn't played golf once. Whereas Trump has already played 16 times
    Why do you care so much about what he says about Trump? It's just scrutiny.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Erebus45 and Muunkee like this.
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Im not wrong, go around and ask any conservative about the bathroom policy. 95% of them I bet will tell you "the sex in which your born or what private part you have" and if you ask any liberal 99% will tell you they can use whatever bathroom they want. If they want to identify as an attack helicopter they have that right.

    You are exactly right. There is minimal to no privacy in a bathroom, all the more reason why it should stay as male and female.

    I dont care what you think of Trump, you can be as ignorant as you want. You have the right to an opinion. Thats what makes America so good. Im pretty happy with what he has done so far.

    Oh congratulations. I misused it.

    Trump has also noted that "when you play golf do it with important people" not outside the vice presidents house. I could careless how many games he plays, he actually hasn't played 16 complete games of golf and any person there watching him would tell ya that. He also goes to mar-a-lago 1) because of Melania 2) to meet with important people and 3) because he knows no one is listening in on his private conversations. Leaks get out because the White house has listening ears all over.

    I dont care what he thinks of Trump but he doesn't have to call names like he does. Its ignorant.

    I dont care what you think of Trump. Im not even mad at your political views. We are all entitled to opinions, you have yours and I have mine. I haven't called Obama (as much as I hate him) any names close to what you called Trump. I actually applauded him for somethings. You dont have to like him but to call him the ignorant and immature names your calling him truly make you out to be the typical crying snowflake. Call me a snowflake all you want but any smart person who truly knows where the saying "snowflake" come from would know just how much of an idiot you are.

    Can we please stay on the topic of the bathroom and not what Trump does all day? I could go on and on about how Obama and Hillary both lied all the time. This isn't the thread for that.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 10, 2017 ---
    If you want to talk politics im more then happy to argue with you on private message, if you want to do that here then ill back out as im i the bathroom thread not the political view thread :)
  15. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    If you don't care that people have different opinions, why'd you disagree with Deinen saying he is lazy, and then call him ignorant after giving some proof.

    Also, for the fact of trump donating more to charity. He has been a business man who has been in charge of a lot more money than the clintons or Obama would be allowed to donate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    metr0n0me likes this.
  16. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Or maybe, just maybe, us independent folk do not like a minority potentially affecting our lives because of legislation simply because they are uncomfortable. Maybe we'd just rather them stop being so fragile. I absolutely do not care about gay people, trans people, etc. I simply don't want the minority to come try and tell me what I can, or cannot do with my life, which is what this legislation is attempting to do.

    Hey, when you can prove any of my name calling is false then I'll consider stopping. :) But so far evidence shows, he's fat, lazy and a liar.
    Muunkee likes this.
  17. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    So you want men going to women's prisons? Seems counter intuitive to your reasoning mate.

    Also it's interesting to see people fight to get legislation installed over which bathroom someone can use without evidence of sexual harassment. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to fight for legislation which does have more statistical support: like banning registered and convicted sexual offenders from being able to use public restrooms, if safety is truly the concern.
    metr0n0me, Erebus45 and Deinen like this.
  18. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    He passed a bill forcing the removal of the word oriental, Indian, and other terms used in the past from being used in legislation.

    I don't think Obama really handled the whole topic of minorities very well, just my opinion.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    metr0n0me likes this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Hmm, ok. I do see your point.
    metr0n0me, Natsu and smk like this.
  20. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    No its not, its somebody who's super easily triggered. They have "Meltdowns" easily, just like how snowflakes melt easily.
    Your mentally incompetent.

    No you don't.
    its not a safety risk.
    its not a privacy risk.
    it violates nobodies right. You don't have the right to FEEL safe.
    Natsu, Erebus45 and Muunkee like this.

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