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Accepted Banned for xray glitch???

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Ryan Brown, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    10:20 1/5/14
    xray glitching
    perm ban

    First, i dont understand why i get banned for "xray" when i dont even know what it is. I joined the server four days ago. j just got minecraft for pc and meep craft was my first server. I loved this server and i put in 6+ hours a day into meep craft. But me getting banned for somethang i dont even know what xray is... i dont appreciate that. I dont want to lose over 24 hours i put into a server and get banned and then have to throw it all away. I just dont get it. banned for nothing. I just would like to play on that meepcraft server again and not have to go through this. Please help.
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Placing a redstone block next to a fence and glitching in it is the exploit in question here. Its causes a sort of xray that allows you to see tunnels. Any type of xray is not allowed on this server. Do you recall this?
    LMR_FUDD and mrli1 like this.
  3. Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown New Meeper

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    so your saying that i DID xray... when i have no idea of how or what to do for this "glitch". I was not even online at the time of the ban. i was sleeping then i woke up the next morning and i was banned. how was i "glitching" when i was not on?
  4. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Now do you recall?
    kevman967, DevilSpawn112 and Jackl01 like this.
  5. Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown New Meeper

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    did i mine after? NO. did i do hacks? NO. did i even use it for cheating? NO. all i did was test it out and i did not use it at all. do you have proof of me mining after and getting coal, iron, gold, anything? NO. i just tested it. then logged out of the server and carried on with my life. but was it worth perm banning me over nothing? taking that joy that i had playing meep over me not doing anything that would be considered glitching? you did not even give me a suspension to show me that was ok. you just went right to the p-ban and said F*** off. that somebody that was stalking me could of told me that it was wrong but no. you just banned me.
  6. Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown New Meeper

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    i ment was not
  7. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    You might consider changing your attitude on this appeal. I am trying to help you through this. I am also trying to protect the community on Meepcraft. You attempted this cheat. Who is to say that if it had been successful that you wouldn't have continued to use it. We can't read your mind. We simply gather the evidence and ban due to the zero tolerance rules of glitch exploiting. Just because someone who attempted to rob a bank failed doesn't mean he doesn't get a punishment. I hope you understand that. :)
    DevilSpawn112 and Jackl01 like this.
  8. Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown New Meeper

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    yes. im sorry if i was to vulgar, but im just mad from the ban. i just dont like getting banned from something i put 24+ hours into.
  9. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    Dude you should respect the staff no matter what. Diana is a very nice lady, and you should treat her accordingly :)
    kevman967 likes this.
  10. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    "Ryan BrownNew Member
    yes im sorry. i over reacted and did not think about the msg i was sending. i truly am. i see that it was wrong to try glitches on minecraft and i payed for it. i hope i did not hurt you or the community in any way. :( "

    Thank you for the apology. I do see that you only tried it at that one location. Since you have no priors, I will reduce your ban to 7 days. Please make sure not to test any glitches on this server.
    Jackl01 likes this.
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