TNT404 needs to stop posting on this thread.
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Accepted Best Posts in Thread: Ban Appeal
Nvm it's good now--- Double Post Merged, Sep 7, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 7, 2014 ---
_Chef_Carrott_, HazTheMan99, TNT404 and 3 others like this. -
The Following Proof is what you are missing from the screen shots., Splendy, StopResetting and 1 other person like this. -
IGN: CocoLattee
When you were banned: Bout a minute ago
Reason: Harassment/bashing of server
Ban Length: Perm
Staff Member: AndrewDemonX
Why we should consider your appeal: I came on and requested a modreq and Blyzzrd responded, I asked him why I was banned for saying my friends last name (which is Poon) he then said it was a bad word and used as a sexual reference to a woman's body part. We then got into the full on debate on how it's unfair to be banned, even if it is a temp ban, for saying someones name. I spent a majority of my time on the server calmly talking to Blyzzrd about how I think it is unfair to ban people for saying someones name. The conversation then quickly turned when I asked "Don't I have freedom of speech?" He then said yes, so I brought up how my friend OrangeSowman was previously temp-banned for talking about Hitler, he then said that Hitler is a touchy subject and it shouldn't be talked about on a kid friendly server, yet it is talked about all the time in a basic History class. He then started making up BS excuses saying stuff like "I know certain religions don't allow you to take certain subjects." And at this time OrangeSowman was then banned for "bashing of server." OrangeSowman was just voicing his opinion about the staff and this server sort of in a joking matter, saying "meepcraft so salty [funny joke]" and "staff so salty [funny joke]." He did not once curse or say anything disrespectful, yet he got banned. I then said in chat that I thought this server had a freedom of speech policy, obviously it doesn't since he and I were banned for voicing our opinions.
Here are some pictures about the conversation me and Blyzzrd was having:
Serious questions?
If it's inappropriate it's not allowed, yet Moby **** has an inappropriate name in it, whats the difference between a persons name and a book?
"Modreqs are for serious questions"
I'm trolling?
He's taunting me.
Apparently this isn't a serious modreq...
Apparently I gotta stop fighting for what is right.
It's talked about in history, I guess we can't talk about history out in public or in a game.
My friend was banned for saying Hitler, yet this guy wasn't... Biased much?
After OrangeSowman got banned, he sent me this.
I may be missing a couple of screenshots, I accidentally copied and pasted all of the screenshots in the folder so it was hard to get the right photos. Also if they're out of order that's why.Lilstokes, HazTheMan99, TNT404 and 1 other person like this.