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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by ShadowBlazer648, Aug 14, 2014.

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  1. ShadowBlazer648

    ShadowBlazer648 Well-Known Meeper

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    IGN: ShadowBlazer648
    When you were bannned: 20 seconds or so after I got unbanned
    Reason: Paypal money back thing
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: CONSOLE
    Why you should consider my appeal: I was so happy to be unbanned legally on the server I messaged my self WOO!!! (or something like that) then 10 seconds lated CONSOLE banned me because I got a sixty dollar refund (on my birthday I got premium to elite next day, I got banned and I asked my dad to get me a sixty dollar refund) but when I got unbanned instead of my rank being removed I got banned. All i'm asking is for you to demote me back to premium and unban me. If you could do that it would be really helpful. Thank you, goodbye!
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 14, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 14, 2014 ---
    o sry for putting the , next to next day it's supposed to be next to premium to elete like this:
    premium to elite,
  2. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    You cant just chargeback and expect to be demoted and unbanned, The server loses $20 each time someone chargebacks, So you will have to pay that to be unbanned.
  3. ShadowBlazer648

    ShadowBlazer648 Well-Known Meeper

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    can i pay sixty and get my elite rank back and i can just be unbanned reguarly?
  4. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    You still need to pay the chargeback fee.
  5. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    I'm afraid MeepCraft does not give refunds for donations. :( When you charge back a donation, it costs the server not only your rank cost but an additional $20 fee. That fee has to be repaid before you can be unbanned.

    I'll contact an admin about how you should go about doing this. Hang tight!
    Toostenheimer likes this.
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