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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Big Daddy, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. Big Daddy

    Big Daddy Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): coolmaxx
    When you were banned: around 2 months ago or less
    Reason: Rank scamming
    Ban Length: till the next server reboot
    Staff Member: Jwarian
    Not gonna lie, I'm a bad person and I haven't changed, but I don't rank scam anymore, I have meebles now so it's all good, all I wanna do is buy lakewood, beat monkeyhead, take people's money via dice and harass russian pedobear via /msg, to prove I dun scam I can provide names of all my alts, which is about 100 or so, if any of those names commited a crime you're more than welcome to ban me again
  2. Big Daddy

    Big Daddy Meeper

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    But I've stolen in real life and I've only been given a slap on the wrist
  3. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    In your appeal, you state that you haven't changed. This leads me to believe that we will still be seeing rule breaking from you. Maybe not scamming, but still some form of rule breaking. I would like you to take a bit, think about how your actions affect other player, then MAYBE try to come up with a better appeal.

    This appeal is denied.
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