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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Vfd, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Vfd

    Vfd New Meeper

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    In-Game Name: Vfd11
    When I was banned: 6/20/2014
    Reason: Spamming (20 messages)
    Ban Length: 24 Hours.
    Staff Member: Bluecarneal
    Why you should consider this ban appeal: I think you should consider my ban appeal, because in the Two-Hours of thinking I learned a lot. Such as spamming gets on people nerves, makes them annoyed. It makes them frustrated. I should have thought before taking action to spam, to say "Spam" "Spam" "Spam" Over and over again, with the time I was thinking I learned not to do it again, I promise I won't and thanks..

    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 20, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 20, 2014 ---
    Did I get the format right?
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    please take this time and learn not to do it again!
    Videogames321 likes this.
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