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Denied Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Joycewayne, Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. Joycewayne

    Joycewayne New Meeper

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    IGN: joycewayne
    Date/Time: I don't Remember. It was LONG while ago
    Reason: Ads
    Ban Length: No ban length had to appeal.
    Staff Member: QuaddyWhy we should consider your appeal:I know i count be a better meep member. But i didn't know you couldn't use others pi's. Im sorry!... Bye
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    You were only banned 10 days ago. I don't feel as if this was enough time to learn your lesson. You should take some time to read over the rules here on the forums.

    This appeal is denied.
    Flamedemond2 and BooBear1227 like this.
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