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Denied Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Soccer4232, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Soccer4232

    Soccer4232 Popular Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):Soccer4232
    Reason:Glitch Exploitation
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: Puckminer
    Why we should consider your appeal: To start I didn't know that glitches were illegal on this server and that I know I should of read the rules first. I've been on this server for a long time and I'm not one to cheat. I've donated to this server over the years and have worked my way up to elite. Even when I was using the glitch I didn't get anything, i didn't use it to get diamonds, gold, spawners or anything that came to my benefit. I would like to be on this server again since it has many things that I found to enjoy with not just myself but with my friends on this server. I know that I've have already made a ban appeal in the past 2 months even it was just yesterday, the reason I'm doing this because I enjoy this server so much that I would post two ban appeals after one and another. I've had my own town, my own money, and I made one mistake of even using the glitch.

    I hope you will read this even though I have made one yesterday.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    This is under the Server-wide Rules of Meepcraft.

    11. Hacking/Cheating
    The use of modifications or use of any glitch that give an unfair advantage, exploiting items that are clearly not supposed to be exploitable

    Depending on the situation, most likely you will be banned and forced to appeal to explain everything and the situation, in order to clear your name and be allowed back on the server. We don’t allow possible cheaters to idle on the server if there’s a hint of a hacked client or exploiting. The following is a list of illegal modifications, however not limited to this list.

    • Using a modified Minecraft client
    • Using any Full-bright mod or any X-ray related hack/texture-pack
    • Using any form of speed hacks.
    • Using an accidental glitch or something to that effect that allows you to exploit some part of the MeepCraft/Minecraft system without telling the staff.

    ***Note, these situations can be more complex that this, and can/will involve forum discussion. Corrective action will be taken based on the severity of the situation. If this behavior is repetitive, then more serious actions will be taken, such as a Permanent Ban.

    *100% monetary fine.
  3. Soccer4232

    Soccer4232 Popular Meeper

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    I didn't even get anything and I know i should of told you about the glitch
  4. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Whether or not you say that you benefit from the glitch, using the glitch in the first place is against server rules. The Glitch exploitation/X-ray is a perm ban offense. I have seen players appeal after 2 months and receive a second chance, you may try that. This appeal is denied.
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