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Denied Ban Appeal Tailwhip000

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by John Rambo, Mar 1, 2014.

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  1. John Rambo

    John Rambo New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Tailwhip000
    Date/Time: Withing the past 24 hours
    Reason:Illegal Resdient Kicking
    Ban Length: 1 day 16 hours left
    Staff Member: abbythrowsstuff
    Why we should consider your appeal: I'm guessing it means illegal resident kicking. I'm not the mayor or an assistant so that's impossible. I don't have those privileges. Maybe check those in the future before banning people on hearsay which is what I'm guessing happened since I have no kicking rights.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You managed to sell a plot belonging to another player.
  3. John Rambo

    John Rambo New Meeper

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    Whose plot did I sell and to whom did I sell it? There was an incident about a day or 2 ago where a resident couldn't get back on his land but Jwarian and then the mayor figured it out. I bought the plot so no one else could and then I put it up for sale when they were ready. Is this the incident? Was that player not the actual owner? I figure the mayor or a mod could figure that out... isn't there a command to see the history of a plot, such as past owner and for sale stuff?
    Edit 1:
    I had my friend in game check the town and it looks like someone with rights is messing with the town (Varrock). I get banned. The person who built the grinder there was kicked off of their plots and they're are up for sale. Also the plots that that resident had been kicked off previously, where I was trying to help, were also up for sale as well. I don't think the mayor would screw with us so I'm guessing it's the assistant who I have never even seen before. But who knows maybe one of their accounts has been compromised. The funny thing is my friend is saying that the mods online say the logs have been reset. It's a big coincidence stuff is being messed with and all logs have been reset. Conspiracy??? Anyways, protect town Varrock please.
    Edit 2:
    Took forever, bans over. I'm just going to make my own town for me and my friends.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
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