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Denied Ban Appeal: OscarHouston

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by oscarhouston, Jan 11, 2014.

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  1. oscarhouston

    oscarhouston Popular Meeper

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    IGN: oscarhouston
    Reason: Harassment
    Banned By: TogsTheWolfGirl
    How Long: 5 hours

    So, This is how it all started. Rori made a /modreq for a completely different matter. Then he may or may not have accidentally have said it again. So I the msg'd DickTogs saying "you are embarrassing your self, why did you kick him" So I then get a kick for staff abuse and harassment. About 2 hours later in TeamSpeak3 I then said to TogsTheWolfGirl. Why did you kick Rori twice for /modreq abuse; as I am his older twin brother and I want to stick up for him. She then banned Rori for a day and me for 5 hours. I think this is very absurd as I already kicked before for harassment, I had already learned my lesson. This incident was a completely different matter. And then the final straw was when I asked why. I did not say in in a violent nor assertive way. Apparently this Harassment for asking for a fundamental reason why rori and I were kicked. Still then I was not given a reason. And correct me if I am wrong even if someone was rude on TeamSpeak does not effect you in - game. If this was not enough. Every time me or Rori asked why we where banned. She simply replied "do you want to increase your ban". She didn't even listen. In my designated opinion I believe that she is just a new helper and she just wants to get ban's.

    EDIT: I know this will get denied as it is under 5hours and under a day but I just want to express to you guys that some mods these days are very unfair. and in the long term I was banned for sticking up for my younger brother. :(
    Grandblue, mrli1, BlackJack and 3 others like this.
  2. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    If you wish to have your appeal considered, please ensure you follow the following format. (Appeals on bans less than 1 day will not be considered.)

    ^Shainthwolfman, in ban regulations and format.
  3. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Please answer oscar's question.
  4. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    I have repeatedly answered his question but for contingencies sake I'll do it again. Your brother filed a modreq against you, saying that the two of you had 1v1'ed, and that you had stolen his head he was mad because the two of you had agreed to give items back.

    It took me some time to get to the modreq because I was the only staff on, and there were a few ahead. I told your brother that since he hadn't taken any screenies there wasn't much I could do. I told him to post in the forums, because someone there might be able to help him more than me. I closed the modreq. A few seconds later he filed the same modreq again. I kicked him for modreq abuse, since I had a fair few to get to. He then repeatedly msged me saying 'wtf how is that modreq abuse?' etc. He sent me a msg in all caps, and then I kicked him for caps via msg. Then you msged me and told me to 'shhh' and that I was embarrassing myself. So I kicked oscar, too. the pair of them msged me some more, then obviously got bored of it and got on my channel in ts. They constantly questioned the kicks and harassed me and everyone else in the chat channel. They laughed when I said that I would temp ban them, so I did.

    Even after the bans, the two of them continued to enter the ts channel, oscar spammed the channel with music and repeated logging, so I temp banned him from the channel for 3 hours. His brother remained in the ts channel for the rest of the night and didn't cause any more problems.
  5. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    When I was a helper awhile back if there was someone who redid their modreq after I had just closed the same one, I was told to claim it since i knew most of the story already and see if they had remember anything new or had a new question. Not assume that they were trying to annoy you.
    This is relevant staff.
    Grandblue likes this.
  6. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    He posted the exact same modreq not even a minute later. I didn't think he was trying to annoy me, but I had already given him all the help I could, considering I'm new at staff and there was no one else on.
    oscarhouston likes this.
  7. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    Did you give him a chance to ask a possible new question that you could have answered? Or did you assume you wouldn't be able to help?
  8. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    If there was a possible new question, he could have /r'ed me, we were speaking seconds before.
  9. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    He may not have wanted to message you? Maybe try to get a new staff members opinion, not knowing you were the only one on? Then overreacted when you banned him when he had honest intentions and not trying to "abuse modreqs."
  10. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    I didn't ban for the second modreq.
  11. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    My bad typed the wrong thing. He overreacted when you kicked him for modreq abuse.
  12. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    He over reacted by a lot. Either way, I stand by my decision.
  13. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    You did do the right thing by kicking him for caps though and they shouldn't be questioning your decisions since staff has the right to use their own discretion.
    TogsTheWolfGirl likes this.
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