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Denied Bakuknight86's Ban Appeal V4

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by baku, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. baku

    baku Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN: Bakuknight86
    Reason: X-ray
    Time: 11:30 AM, December 27, 2013
    Staff Member: DevilSpawn122
    Length: Perm
    Reason we should consider your appeal: I am so so sorry, I never meant to cheat or hurt the meepcraft society. It has been 2 weeks since I was banned. :(My friend showed me everything that I had owned had been bought. I probably got kicked from my favorite town. Please let me back on so I can redeem myself. :(
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Two weeks simply isn't enough time for this ban. One can be sorry, but you still performed these actions. I would suggest filing an appeal in about a month. denied
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