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Aymak's Staff Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Aymak, Jul 24, 2013.

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  1. Aymak

    Aymak Meeper

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    IGN: Aymak
    TeamSpeak: Aymak
    Age: 21
    In game hours (weekday): 6-12
    In game hours (weekend): 6-12

    Hello my name is Aaron (Aymak in game), and I live in Dayton, Ohio. I have always preferred being on a first name basis with people because I'd rather people call me Aaron over calling me Aymak. As stated above, I'm 21 years of age and am going to school for Computer Information Systems/Software Development. I'm currently taking a break from school to eventually earn enough money to pay for my own schooling. I'm currently doing what is basically real estate work. I go around to houses in the north eastern U.S. (Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Tennessee, Kentucky Indiana etc.) and maintain lawns, put up for sale signs, install padlocks and clean up the insides of some of the houses. I am also out of work for a while due to personal problems. With this comes my ability to be online a lot more than other players. Minecraft is about the only game I've been playing recently aside from The Binding of Isaac and the occasional game of Halo and Call of Duty for Xbox 360. After I started playing Minecraft, I sort of gave up on Xbox Live and almost completely switched to PC. I am always open to suggestions and will gladly try out almost any other game.

    I have been playing on Meep for a while now, and know enough about it to be a great staff member. I have been a staff member for multiple Minecraft servers for well over 2 years. I was Op/Head of Staff/Co-Owner on a very successful Minecraft server that had a concurrent 500 players at one point. I am extremely confident in my ability to be a staff member on any server. Helping people is my main priority. Even as a HoS, I would always answer more questions and help more people than the staff members I hired. It's one of the most fulfilling things in the world to me to help others. I also like to consider myself to have very good grammar. I don't overdo it to the point that players don't understand me, but I feel as though staff members should have very good grammatical skills. When a player joins a server, one of the first things they notice is the staff. Players really enjoy staff members that interact with the players and answer all of their questions. I'm that person. I'm very good with time management, and very rarely do I let a question slip by. I'll write down the names of players that need help as to not forget to answer their question. I also really enjoy participating on the forums when it comes to the Minecraft server I am staff/playing on. I have been playing Minecraft for well over two years and am very familiar with servers, how they work, and Minecraft in general. While I am on Minecraft, I am always on TeamSpeak. 99% of the time, I'll be on TeamSpeak. I'm very friendly and good with younger generations. Being a staff member for so long, I have learned how younger kids operate which makes communicating with them/helping them much easier for me. I will put in many hours to ensure Meep is much more enjoyable to the players, and to help make it stand out even more from other servers. If I am chosen for staff, I will prove this very quickly.

    I get upset when I'm in a situation where I'm incapable of helping and it really bugs me when problems go unsolved. I usually just get around it by informing a higher up staff member who is capable of fixing the issue. I also have to go away at times for a couple of days at a time for work, but I am able to get on TeamSpeak even when I can't get on the server.

    I am very reliable, dedicated, and hard-working and I know for sure I'd make a great staff member. I hope to see the players and the staff in game, and to talk to everyone on TeamSpeak. Thank you for reading and taking my application into consideration.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2014
  2. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    I like the length of your interview, I've never had a single issue with you ingame, I am +1 for an interview.
  3. Aymak

    Aymak Meeper

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    To be fair, I don't think font should be relevant whatsoever when it comes to a staff application /: And thanks, Deinen! I appreciate it!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    accepted for interview
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