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Application For Epick8

Discussion in 'Denied' started by epick8, Apr 27, 2014.

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  1. Ktkadabbler

    Ktkadabbler Meeper

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    Booo... Boo wendy Booooooooo
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Epic, I do really like you and think you are an awesome person (and you like roosterteeth so thats always a plus)

    I do however, have a few reservations. While you are a good assistant in Fruit and have poured your heart into the town, and I did wholeheartedly support your promotion to an assistant, I think you need to work on your patience (like Lex and others said) as well as the fact that you can sometimes get into a rant/rage. I think it would also be a good udea to try to hold back on the swearing in TS, or at least know who you are talking to when you do so.

    regardless, I think you should be given this chance. You have a good heart and spend a lot of your time in game trying to better the experience of others.
    SirCallow likes this.
  3. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    Shut your face, epick8.

    +1, because this. ^

    Also... for those who don't know, SALAD stands for Staff Assisting the Lost And Distressed, and the whole point of the town is to help new players. So that's why being active in that town, and recently being trusted as a co-mayor in an extension of it (Fruit), is significant, in my opinion. :)

    Epic, I haven't seen you in action in Salad, but I have noticed you answering questions and giving advice in /shout. You're hard working, smart, and knowledgeable about the game and the server, and I can see leadership qualities in you that you probably bring from the IRL activities you mentioned. I didn't think of "thick skinned" at first, but that is actually a much needed staff quality that you have, along with your sense of humor. I would like to see more of you on the forums... and work on what I mentioned about your posts. More puppies and kittens and rainbows plz. :D

    As far as any concerns, mistressmacabre hit the nail on the head... the key for you is being able to adjust your behavior and attitude when needed. I don't think swearing or ranting/raging is a disqualification for staff at all (and plenty of others do those things on TeamSpeak). (Edit: To clarify, talking about in general and on TS... on a kid-friendly server, you obviously need to watch what you say, and you do this just fine in-game and on the forums.) But with the Helper title, you'll need to be able to handle yourself appropriately in a variety of situations that will test your patience. I've heard you ask several times on TeamSpeak if everyone in a channel is okay with strong language, so it's good to see that you're making an effort to do this already. :) Good luck!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  4. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    I don't know, man. This was a pretty decent, well-rounded app, but I feel that you need something else that's missing. You are on teamspeak a heck of a lot, but you need more activity IG that just on forums and TS. Use /shout more often.

    -mediocre app
    +active in teamspeak
    +active in forums
    -not very active IG with /shout...

    +/- it just doesn't feel like you're ready.
    SirCallow and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Lacking application. +/-
  6. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, I have mixed emmotions about this

    Not very mature -1
    Active +1
    Cussing in teamspeak -1
    Forum activity is bad -1
    Short app -1
    Not very helpful in shout -1

    So, its not really your best day today, sorry! But next time you post an application, I would like to see all of these worked on! For now I'm a -4, good luck!
  7. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    I didnt even know there was a -4
    Videogames321 and Cascade1324 like this.
  8. 2klassy

    2klassy Celebrity Meeper

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    Not mature -1
    You gave me melons for friendship +1
    I look at staff like SdubSM did -1
    I think you'll become too sucked into it one day. -1
  9. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Could you explain the last two please
  10. 2klassy

    2klassy Celebrity Meeper

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    SdubSM only accepted the best of the best applicants. I'm gonna be honest, he'd demote 60% of the staff we have right now. He didn't put up with any crap at all, yet he was also lenient at the same time. If you did your job you were fine. If you screwed around a lot, you'd be in trouble.
    2nd part: I like you and I don't want you to turn into a mindless sheep. The staff are the sheep, they stop the grass (grass being the players) from getting to long, then Fuzzlr the farmer. He shears the sheeps and sells the wool for profit. Basically the staff keep the grass in line. While the mindless sheeps do that Fuzzlr sits around and makes money for working a good hour a day shearing the sheep.
    SSSoul, K9_Caper and Cascade1324 like this.
  11. crazylight98

    crazylight98 Well-Known Meeper

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    I do not know you that much, but I have heard good things from people about you, I cannot judge you from one game of League, but after seeing you, I have a first impression for you in my head. So here goes:

    Attitude wise +/-
    Knowledge about Meep +
    Not active in forums -
    Active IG +
    Maturity +
    App. -

    and furthermore I like how you can manage your time with your League and MC games, especially that you have rank team and obligation on that team and furthermore you are 17 years old on the edge of your HS time and coming in to College/Work, that is a very big step and takes a lot of planning/time consuming. I think you are mature enough to be able to see what is right to do and what is not. I would love to know you better. But overall after my judgement from myself:

    I am at a +1, all the best! good luck!
  12. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Well 1) I dont see how there is something negative about me in there, but I fully intend to do my job if accepted.
    2) Haha thanks bud. Its fun having u around in game. I really do like being around you. As much as I do thank you for caring about me, I really do want this position. You are right, maybe some of the staff are slaves to fuzzlr, that the staff may be out of touch with the players, but I promise you one thing as friends. I am my own person and we are friends. Staff cannot change that.
    KariStar86 likes this.
  13. 2klassy

    2klassy Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm gonna sound cheesy here. I've lost a lot of friends to the mad sheep disease.
  14. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    I don't see you ever fixing your swears in TS. Tis a part of you.

    This is one of those BS applications (I do them too sometimes), you pushed in irl things that honestly have no effect on how you act on the internet. You are a person that you just have to get to know in order to understand your capabilities.

    Best of luck.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 29, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 29, 2014 ---
    I'm going to be honest and say he would never write a response up anything close to this post.
    epick8 likes this.
  15. gooboyshitstevie

    gooboyshitstevie Well-Known Meeper

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    Sweet, I was supposed to go to brook tech, laguardia, or bard but I am moving.

    You are nice and helpful but I havent seen you on recently when i have been on +0
  16. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Ive got a lot of friends in Lag and Tech! What did you get into Lag for? Also why are you moving and where are you going?
  17. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 for multiple reasons. When I saw the title, I was excited. You're overqualified, but you could have spent more time working on the app (Somewhat lacking). I'm all for a short and sturdy app. Even though your forums rank is only a "Member," your posts are more direct, and mainly include more detailed explanations than others. They aren't random short posts that take 15 seconds to write. Activity is very high; every time I arrive on Teamspeak, I see you there. Personally, I don't like you swearing too often, but it's not something you change in a day. You don't seem to help very often in shout, but it's not a necessity. Attitude: Your attitude towards things can be both positive and negative. Sometimes you can be incredibly stubborn with your opinion on certain topics. Also, I'm not worried about maturity, as you are very mature (most of the times). To me, you're fit for this job.
  18. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    Well, there is now.
    Msoper(y0b) likes this.
  19. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

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    The only reason this post isn't close to an sdubs post is for a simple reason: 2klassy is not sdubs. Sdubs is blunt, so while people think 2klassy or myself can be blunt sdubs was just as blunt if not worse and he was still a kickass staff member.

    Epick8, I consider you a friend, That being said I think you have potential to be a good helper. But your forum activity isn't very good in the areas that it needs to be. While you are on teamspeak alot you aren't always the nicest person(which could be a good thing) but you don't check who is in the channel before spouting off curse words. I have yet to see you help someone in shout. You may say "Oh i help people in /msg", that isn't good enough anymore you need to prove yourself more. Work on these and my vote will change.
  20. blackoak999

    blackoak999 Popular Meeper

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    +2 and I'm not just saying that to be nice.
    Active ingame
    Active on forums
    Friendly and polite
    Epic is a solid person. In all of my dealings with him he's always been honest and calm.
    I read through the posts above and agree with MistressMacabre, and I know she's been on Meep for a while.
    KariStar86 likes this.
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