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Best Posts in Thread: A real introduction of Tasmiki

  1. Tasmiki

    Tasmiki Celebrity Meeper

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    I made one of these about a month ago, but it didn't really have that much information in it. Since that day, I have tried very hard to start playing meepcraft regularly again, and I believe I am now becoming a real meeper again. I even own a beta town and I come on for at least an hour every day. Getting back into the swing of things on meepcraft and hopefully will stay on for at least a few more months.

    Well, I am Tasmiki, my real name is Mikhail like the Russian president Mikhail Gorbachev, pronounced Mick Kyle. I'm 14 and I live in Manchester, England. I played meepcraft very regularly before anybody had even heard the name Cruelty Gaming, and when he came to the server, I got my first rank, Exclusive and two days after that I bought Elite. They were fun times, but I was only 11 and I was very immature. Nowadays, I am loads more mature, especially when I look back to some of my posts from three years ago and see how different a person I have become. I quit playing in September 2013, after I did some stupid things on Skype and my mum caught me and banned me from playing meepcraft. I still went on in secret, but I couldn't keep doing it and I just had to leave meep forever. After she unbanned me in 2015, nothing was the same as all of my friends that I remembered from the pre-meepnetworks days were long gone, but here I am in 2016 making new meep friends and some of the old big names have returned to the server. If anybody spent their time actually reading all of this, I hope you understand more about me now. If you see me ingame, don't be afraid to say hi and ask me any questions if you want. Thats all really, now that I have returned to the server for good I will be sure to get very involved in conversations in /shout and other things to do with meepcraft so you can see me ingame.

    Edited - More information about me if you really wanna know, I'm a huge football fan, I support Liverpool (for any of you Manchester United fans out there), my fave band is the Arctic Monkeys (I listen to most of their songs everyday, I'm listening to them right now), the only other game than meep that I play is Rocket League (all of the consoles if you ever wanna play with me) and yeah. That's my life really.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  2. Tasmiki

    Tasmiki Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah, its been fun and enjoyable to play since my return, and being mayor of my town gives me more to do than just walking around and talking to you guys every day.
    Well, first of all, I made a Skype account without her knowing. She was really protective, and I dont blame her cos I was only 11, and I hid my Skype from her everyday so she wouldn't see. One day, I came back from school and she was asking why I have a Skype account, she wasn't that angry but when she saw the conversations I was having with Sarahdisme, chirp1234 and tomrex1221 (tomrex's was the worst in terms of vulgarity so I hid this from her) which had some 'naughty' words in them, she saw that meepcraft was becoming a bad influence on me and also cos I played like 6 hours a day she wanted me to come off. She banned me from the forums as well, but I still snuck on when she wasn't at home sometimes but I just couldn't be bothered hiding it for so long, so I just completely quit.