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Best Posts in Thread: A New MeepCraft

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Recently, MeepCraft has undergone a leadership change. On July 12, 2013, due to specific hardships that we were facing with our leadership, our team replaced MeepNetworks with the original MeepCraft minecraft server which is now solely owned by myself and operated by the MeepCraft development team.

    Previously, I had given a co-ownership opportunity to an individual known as CrueltyGaming to whom we invested 20,000 dollars to fund the datacenter. He brought many technical benefits to MeepNetworks and offered his time to help manage and grow the establishment. While his intentions were for the betterment of the server, we observed over the past few months that his changes were not benefiting the welfare of the server but rather diminishing its level of potential success.

    It's not easy to turn the #1 Minecraft server in the world, with 1,100 players online simultaneously and one of the most active online communities in Minecraft into a small hamlet hardly peaking at 300 players. Somehow, that's what happened under the direction of CrueltyGaming. Several hilariously dumb decisions were made, such as the cancellation of the MeepHalo project, the cancellation the CreativCubed server, for the sole reason that sharing 50% of the profits with any third party was "unacceptable". And ironically enough, just as soon as these projects were cancelled or let go, we ended up sacrificing huge opportunities in advertising and server development. Under CrueltyGaming’s directive, the original community forums and custom systems were deleted, the entire original staff of MeepCraft was fired and disbanded, and it was rumored that the very next directive was to reset the Towns world with a new rank system (which would result in the removal of the ranks that you payed for!).

    For the last 2 years I have spent a great portion of my time building and developing the community and game of MeepCraft. We had collected over a hundred thousand dollars in cumulative donations and almost 95% of those expenses were put back into helping develop and improve aspects of the server. When CrueltyGaming locked me out the machines, as had happened multiple times in the past, it was a moment of realization for me. For the next 48 hours, our team recreated the entire original MeepCraft server from scratch – without the original server files! I am especially thankful to my friend Coelho, (who is the developer of our cloud system), for contributing a hypervisor machine, on which we will be developing the new MeepCraft cloud.

    It is the best interest of the players and administration of MeepCraft to remove this individual from authority. It is a great sacrifice to leave behind our investments but the correct choice is now clear. The decisions made under his administration were clearly not beneficial in the very least. I believe that the main lesson we can all learn from this is that with any large organization, you can go sole proprietor or board of directors, but by all means stay away from dual partnerships. You should always keep your goals and ideals close to your heart and stick to them. I will sleep better at night knowing that we will be enjoying a higher level of enjoyment and success in all aspects of this game.

    - Fuzzlr

    More gamemodes such as The Walls are coming soon to MeepCraft
  2. Ancientdark919

    Ancientdark919 Popular Meeper

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    Woah woah woah. Being one of those staff members that was affected by this, I remember it a bit differently.
    Now I am aware not many people will even care about this subject in the slightest, but I want to clear something up regardless of it's relevancy. It's a bit late sure, but being the first time I've actually read the fine print, I may as well speak up.

    The entirety of the staff that was "fired" was not forcibly removed from the staff team, rather we had all resigned of our own volition. Resignation was the easiest course of action for us, because we knew that serving under CrueltyGaming and Fuzzlr at the time, we were considered "Drones that can and will be replaced." This was simply not how we, as those who volunteered our time and effort to be treated as. Being viewed in this fashion was a cue to simply resign, because if we were to stay, we would no longer be anything more than the drones we were labelled. And just like that, the spots we had left on the team were immediately filled without hesitation.

    This point was not meant to be any sort of aggression to Fuzzlr or anyone for that matter, it was something I felt needed to be cleared. Also, the reimbursement of previous staff by giving them a rank that was well above what they had paid for was a nice touch, don't get me wrong.

    Staff that were no longer staff after the event had resigned, and had not been fired or forcefully removed.
  3. Valensiakol

    Valensiakol Popular Meeper

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    Glad to see you starting to come to your senses, Fuzzlr. Better late than never, eh? I hope that you'll be more willing in the future to heed the advice and concerns of your more long-term staff members - I recall you saying one evening in the early days of MN's introduction that they were just being self-centered and only worrying about their own positions, but perhaps now you can see that most truly were concerned for the integrity of Meepcraft.

    That being said, please get the staff application section of the forum back up as soon as possible. I do not know about the intentions of other former staff members who were forcibly removed from the server without legitimate reasoning, but as for myself, I would be happy to once again serve the Meepcraft community.
  4. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    I cried reading this.
    cooey, SirCallow, KyloMeep and 4 others like this.
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    I am posting here so people think that the server is restarting or something L O L
  6. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    i panicked... then i realized it was from 2013 XD
  7. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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  8. Darke_Amethyst

    Darke_Amethyst Legendary Meeper

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    I'm glad that this thread was necroed, I didn't know this before. This gives me a whole lot more appreciation for fuzzlr.
  9. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    did you just double necro? Please dude
  10. Danielrulesman

    Danielrulesman Popular Meeper

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    no he just wrote "you all wondered why I was a bad mod" but he wasn't a mod do not be alarmed
  11. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    Happy nearly 1 year birthday new meep ;)
  12. Notchbeard

    Notchbeard Popular Meeper

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    CG did severe damage to the server boi. He did it all under the guise of "Im going to make it better after I destroy it", he added all sorts of game modes and yet the player population stayed the same. I tried to work with him in the start of it all because HE thought HE COULD make it better and he was good at selling people on that *cough* Fuzzlr *cough* The problem was that he is a delusional, sociopathic tyrant with a compulsive need to micro-manage everything and solve problems with an iron fist rather than kit gloves. Which is the worst kind of leadership you can have (look at history IRL lol), I still wish Fuzzlr would have just let Sdubs, IFOC, Nubs and Edit run the show, that would have been golden :(. Okay rant over.
  13. Tsong-Jien

    Tsong-Jien Popular Meeper

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    Clearly fusing the server with a garbage server and community that took the player cap down about 700 players (from 1000 to our paltry 300 now) was "benefiting" the server. Right?
  14. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Not to mention how hard he was on the staff. It was a literal dictatorship. The officers were slaves to CG as they were blamed for nearly everything that went wrong in the game. He stripped several permissions away then played LoL 24/7. Because nobody had perms and because he was never online, the staff were left stalling people until someone who can will come to fix the issues. Staff were evaluated and demoted/promoted based on everything. I've seen people demoted because they were inactive for several days, even if they had a valid excuse for their absence. People have been promoted simply because they have done more modreqs. Before the last revolution, there was literally helper evaluation forms that the higher ups would fill out that judges performance merely on activity and modreqs! No attention was ever paid to what one contributed. As a former staff member of Meepnetworks, I have contributed several ideas along with other staff to CG to try to improve the server. You know what happened? All ideas were swept under the rug. Staff who've worked hard coding and making new gamemodes were ignored and maybe even demoted simply because they didn't finish in time. All the staff were thought as "replaceable" in his eyes. Staff were really just his tools to craft the server into what he wanted.
  15. Tigressnerd

    Tigressnerd Celebrity Meeper

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    I did to. XD It just makes me so happy to know that Cruelty is gone. It's over. His wrath was suffered, and ended. We shall rise up from the ashes.