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Denied _Rigel X-Ray Appeal (2nd appeal)

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by _Rigel, Jun 6, 2015.

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  1. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    Member Name _Rigel

    Additional In Game Names: _Rigel only

    When you were banned: Over 1 month ago.

    Reason for ban: X-Ray

    Ban Length: Perm

    Staff member who issued ban: Chaos (Don't know who)

    Why we should consider your appeal: Hi! :)
    I understand that I've had a couple of bans recently, and obviously that sorta ruins a reputation.
    Since I've been banned for X-Ray, I have understood why I was banned, and that even not having 'used' the feature, things such as those 'co-ords' are still considered x-ray. I did have a discussion with supermods/etc. about this. (As said in previous appeal).

    I was on holiday for 10 days, and only came back last night. Before I went on holiday, I admit, I did make a hefty amount of very pointless threads, I apologise for that and maybe I should think about the necessary reason for a thread. I might have been in a bit of a wonky mood a few weeks ago as I'm quite busy doing all sorts of stuff. (At least you guys had some quiet time for the last week or so hopefully!)

    As said above, I deeply am sorry for the infraction I committed and am willing to be more sensible and thoughtful about how I play on MeepCraft.
    And I hope some of you can accept it :)
    MeepCraft isn't 'the best thing' of my life as some people exaggerate sometimes, It's only a minecraft server, but I find it's unique and it always makes me want to spend an hour or so not just wasting time, but also makes me learn about how the real world works. That's why...

    I love MeepCraft so much that I donated!

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Also, I had suspicion that somebody had manually gone into my account while i was on holiday (Literally through My PC) because i noticed that this morning, My signature had been changed. I have contacted a couple of people about It and is currently under control. Since then I've cleared my signature and clearing all of my profile posts.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    I would like to bring up the many language warnings you got while banned. That kind of language is not allowed on meep or towards other players. It showed me you are not ready to come back, I would like to see a week or more with a clean posts.
    GroovyGrevous, cooey, Lilliya and 4 others like this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Also to press upon^. It's considered x-ray because it is x-ray. Those coords means you don't just have a coords mod installed and we consider it x-ray. You had an x-ray mod installed, and that is of course x-ray. You didn't do something like x-ray, near x-ray, similar to x-ray, you had an x-ray mod installed.

    - On the note of your account, if someone logged into your account from your computer, there is nothing we can do. -- Your account is your responsibility.

    My issue is throughout his entire ordeal, you have really tried to refrain from admitting that yes, you did x-ray. That fact has always been glossed over, it's always about the coords, but it's not, it's about the x-ray mod you had installed giving you those coords.
  4. _Rigel

    _Rigel Popular Meeper

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    Shall I delete this one and make a new one? It's been hacked 3 times, my other forum accounts ive had in the past haven't. Is that acceptable whilst currently appealing?
    (My IGN account has not been hacked though, or as far as i remember).
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This is denied, we feel you haven't quite learned the severity of your actions due to the way you handled this appeal, and this offense.
    CreeperCristi and cooey like this.
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