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Best Posts in Thread: AndrewDemonX's Helper Application

  1. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:

    I still remember helping you with your rank, you were extremely patient, cooperative, and friendly.

    Since then I have only seen positive things from you.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: AndrewDemonX
    Teamspeak: AndrewDemonX
    Mic use: Yes, always have it
    Age: 23
    Timezone: GMT -6 central time

    Hours online per weekday: 6-7
    Hours online per weekend: 8+
    Position Changes: Ult -> Helper

    Introduction: Hello Meepcraft players, and staff, AndrewDemonX here applying for helper. Now some of you know me for the one who is always quiet in shout, and that may be true, but I help when I am needed. Lately I've been giving away my hard earned meebles to players who need them more than I do. 2 players were fighting over shout about a deal gone bad, I think it was about a grinder the one who built it was not getting paid, so I stepped in and gave my meebles to that player. (It was getting pretty spammy at that time) I can be on non-stop during my days off from work. My work schedule is from 3pm- around 11pm. My work schedual can be a bit erratic, but if it becomes a problem I can let other staff know.

    Why you should be Helper or Mod: I'm trustworthy, hardworking, and fair. I've been in the middle of a good number of arguments on the server, and I'm not biased when I intervene. I always hear both sides of the stories before I try to help out. I also really enjoy playing on this server, and being apart of the community. So I thought I could help the players in times of need.

    Dedication: I'm a very dedicated person. If there is a problem, I will work my hardest to resolve it, or at least help out in some way. I'm not a "go-half-way-and-quit" type of person. I'm very hardworking, even in minor areas. If something calls for my assisstance, I will give it 100% all the way through.

    Active: I spend a lot of time of Meepcraft late at night, usually after a long day of work. During the night is when I have the most energy to do most things on the computer, so you could really call me a night owl when it comes to gaming and such. Furthermore, I spend about 6 or more hours a day on Meepcraft.

    Knowledge: I spend a good amount of time on the forums, even when I'm offline. I know most of the commands on the server, but not all of them. I know most players as well, so I know what to expect with some people. I know the rules well, as I try to remind people quite often.

    Organized: I am a very organized person. I'm quite the neat-freak. Whether it's the items on Meepcraft, or the files in my folders, everything has a specific and orderly place. Everything is sorted by title. I carefully sort the items in my Minecraft screenshot folder (In case I need to post a screenshot on the forums for some reason). I seperate each folder well, and I always write a brief note on why I took it to remember. I have two examples of my folders below. Example 1: Screenshots/Meepcraft/Badskins Example 2: Screenshots/Singleplayer/EpicBuilds

    Weaknesses: I can be forgetful at times, and I can overlook a small detail. But when it comes to work, I try to be as sharp as I can, and keep my mind on task. I am also kind of a quiet person, and communication is not always solid, but I try hard to work at it. During my day job, I am fairly open to people though. So when I am working, whether that be my job, or helping folks on Meepcraft, I am not as quiet as I usually am.

    Conclusion: I think I would be a good Helper. I love this server, and community, and I want to be apart of it. I enjoy helping others, and having a good time. I want to help in any way I can, and I think being a Helper is the best way to do it.

    Thanks for reading and considering me. -AndrewDemonX​