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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from VKL_ReWinDzz

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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  2. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name VKL_ReWinDzz

    Additional In Game Names: none

    How old are you? 21

    Location: New Jersey, USA

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 8-9

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Kling

    When did you join Meepcraft? May 13th, 2012

    Introduction: Hello I'm sure most of you already know me and don't need this introduction at all, but there's a few who don't so I'll try my best to let you guys get a feel for who I am. I joined Meepcraft about 8 years ago. I've been around for probably 90% of that time and throughout my time here there have been plenty of ups and downs. I've seen this server through it's highest point and I've stuck around when it was at it's lowest. This server has tremendous meaning to me and I think it's made me a better person as time goes on. When it comes to Meepcraft I usually like to play towny exclusively, but of course with the occasional minigame trips here and there. Since the new extreme world has come out I've spent many hours enjoying that with my friends while creating our town. In my outside life I like to play basketball and football as hobbies and I enjoy playing video games on my PS4 and chilling with my friends. I don't currently attend college, but I'll probably be looking to go to a trade school. I'll be 22 in July and I hope that gave you guys at least a small idea of who I am and what I like to do in and outside of Meepcraft.

    Why should you be Helper? I believe I'd be a great fit for the Helper role mainly because of my experience, knowledge and activeness on this server. I've been around longer than 95% of the current players and i've been studying the same set of rules for around 8 years and I could be a great help to the many new players that need help figuring out how the new Extreme world works and everything in general all around the server. Although my history is long and cringeworthy I have put all of that behind me and am moving on in life. With my history comes a lot of cons, but also some pros. One being my familiarity with the rules of course, but I understand the example and role a staff member plays and the impact they have on the server. I can set a good example for people to follow in becoming better people themselves and I'm fairly certain I have the staff member mindset when it comes to hard work and determination. I've seen Meepcraft at it's very low and I've always wanted to somehow try and bring the server even 15% of the way back to where it was a couple years ago. While some might not see me as a fit staff member I'd love to prove the doubters wrong and show you all that I'm capable of being a hardworking, determined staff member that can keep Meepcraft a friendly place to play but also a safe one where you won't be treated poorly. I've always wanted to be a staff member and I'm not going to disappoint if given the opportunity.

    What are your weaknesses? Maturity is definitely going to be seen as a weakness by many for me and I'll be the first to agree and say that I'm not the most mature person on the server, but I am capable of being mature and can handle myself very professionally when needed. This is not an excuse for my behaviour on the server that some of you have seen, but I think it adds that non-bland personality to the staff that meepcraft needs and i think would enjoy fairly well. Sure I can be immature at times around friends, but who doesn't joke around at least a little? Hopefully you guys can see me as a nice young adult who is learning to better himself and find a perfect balance in life.

    toxicity could be a weakness, but i'm limiting the toxicity to a minimal on meepcraft this time around and I will prove to all that I'm worthy of being a staff member on this server

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: i'd appreciate if you took the time to leave feedback and criticism that you may find useful for me. hit my private messages if you would like to leave your comment off the application.

  3. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    criticism only please, staff members should know that already. Thank you!
  4. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    thanks big guy means a lot
  5. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    at the end of the day brother, it's a Minecraft server with maybe 30 players on at a time. honestly anyone over 18 can do this job. it's a glorified twitch moderator. the qualifications include not being stupid and taking some sense of responsibility for one's actions which vkl has previously demonstrated... somewhat....

    'not something you should take a risk on' I can't believe you actually think like this

    while we can all agree vkl likes having fun on the server, and that may sometimes happen to be at the expense of others (And what's wrong with having fun on a video game?), you're just being asinine if you don't think he would fix up his attitude or take it a little more serious because he has some green text. and he's legit always on the server, it is always good to have some active staff

    klitch sums this up perfectly in the prior post but I'm just out here trying to farm likes roasting your bad opinion
  6. Serphina91

    Serphina91 Popular Meeper

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    +1, I think he has a decent understanding of the banning system.
    LexKristen, Klitch, Summers and 10 others like this.
  7. Klitch


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    And I completely understand that and personally vouch for VKL’s ability to complete such tasks in an efficient and unbiased manner. The risk I was referring to was simply that he is a controversial player and (much like myself) you either like him or you don’t, there isn’t much middle ground. I don’t believe there is any risk associated with VKL having access to Helper permissions or staff chat. On the contrary, I strongly believe he’d bring a new perspective to the team, one that has embraced the mind of a rebel in the past, but evolved into an active and contributing player as we see today — providing a range of experience that is incredibly helpful when dealing with a multitude of different types of players.
  8. jcbetro1011

    jcbetro1011 Celebrity Meeper

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    Maybe you should read the question again, that's definitely not what he asked.
  9. Klitch


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    ok honestly i completely forgot this dude got staff that’s just nutty

    not only that but here we are 2+ weeks after this app got put up and this dude meets so many more qualifications like a. not being an idiot, and b. being actually helpful and intuitive. he applied for helper not admin of everything — if he sucks you get to demote him and if he doesn’t then good for you for taking a risk and having it work out. honestly seems like a win-win imo
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    Sqreix, nhjed, DancingCactus and 7 others like this.
  10. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    I had an opinion of you when you initially created this appeal, but it’s obviously changed since then. What I’ve witnessed you do over the past few days is a testament that you have all the essential qualities that a Helper should have - and I’m not talking about the ones everyone expect like « Good timezone, work ethics » etc.

    When you’re not pleased with the way something’s being done, you argue in what you believe instead of following the majority, and that’s a trait I think the Staff Team could benefit of all the time. You obviously have the server’s best interest at mind, and different views than some of the team, which could only diversify it more and offer a broader viewpoint than the one we currently have.

    I’d love to see you in an interview, man.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2020
  11. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    I wasn’t really going to respond to this app but whatever. I don’t even care how many times people have told me that I’m “biased” towards you and that “no wonder he’s been unbanned 70 times” like I even had anything to do with that. We’ve been friends since day 1 and I’ve seen the high and lows. You’ve become such a different person from the guy that used to play Meep and cause issues. It would be so exciting to see you do something else and expand your knowledge. I personally think that you’d make a phenomenal helper and I wish you luck on everything from this point on.

    +1 :)
  12. BTeets

    BTeets Popular Meeper

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    You seem to have the reading comprehension level of a grade school child. Summers (a man) asked if he would report his friends to a higher up and Frank (VKL) said of course. You want to have a problem with Frank for some reason and you seem to be one of the only -1 on this thread. All I have to say is stay mad and +1 to the one and only VKL.
  13. jcbetro1011

    jcbetro1011 Celebrity Meeper

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    I've watched this guy grow for 8 years. I would trust him with my first born child. He knows an unhealthy amount of information about this server. No one knows the rules of the server more than the guy who has probably broken almost all of them.

    All jokes aside, there's nobody more fit for the position IMO. +1
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
  14. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    i came back from the fucking dead to do this

    +1 noone deserves it more.
  15. Danielrulesman

    Danielrulesman Popular Meeper

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    +1 VKL has Meep's best interest in mind and is one of the most experienced players the server has. If I were an admin and VKL was a regular player I would still respect his suggestions and input for improving the server as much as I would other staff members.

    I'm sure there's a better way to word that but you get what I'm trying to say. Get this man on the staff team.
  16. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    Just curious, what is it like to have an IQ of 170?

    Aside from that, +1 to the boy. He deserves the rank. In all honesty, VKL knows the difference between when people are having fun and when something is seriously wrong and when it's appropriate to step in. While he might not have the best ban record, I'd appreciate someone who brings a different perspective to the moderation team.
    cooey, Pmx728, GroovyGrevous and 6 others like this.
  17. sinisterweapon7

    sinisterweapon7 Popular Meeper

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    +1 because even though he stole from me 7 years ago and i got him banned multiple times he is still probably the best candidate despite his 100+ ban streak
  18. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    Well as a Helper I don't think it would be my place to ban someone right away without one of the veterans opinions first & helpers can't perm ban so at most I could temp ban which I would do if I witnessed them hacking.
    KyloMeep, Marshy_88, Natsu and 5 others like this.
  19. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah of course if I knew one of my friends were hacking I'd let clueless know.
    cooey, jcbetro1011, KyloMeep and 5 others like this.
  20. Blyzzrd

    Blyzzrd Celebrity Meeper

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    Sophocles once said "There is no success without hardship." The determination and change shown by VKL should be a testament to us all to never give up when the going gets rough. Godspeed old pal, may you reach the heavens that are Meep Staff!