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Best Posts in Thread: Where are you now?

  1. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    i was 13 when i joined LOL gonna be 22 in july and i still play minecraft sooooo take what you will from that
  2. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    I'm a hospital pharmacist and I like eating chicken.
  3. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    For many of us its been a few years since we've been on Meep, and we're all grown up now!! I just thought I'd post a thread where everyone can say what they've been up too, what they've accomplished, and how everyone is doing.

    I'm a senior in high-school now and I plan on going into restaurant management at a community college next year. I've been working at a sandwich place for going on two years and I'm training to be a manager. Thats pretty much it for me lol.
  4. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    hellloooo y'all
    I joined meepcraft when I was 12 or 13, I was literally obsessed with it, like too obsessed. I haven't gamed in 4 years but this quarantine stuff got me borrrred as hecke. I am 21 now (holllaaaa) and I am graduating this Spring from University of Oregon with a major in psychology and a minor in English (surprisingly, I actually know grammar and correct typing skills just not rn). I have an internship at an adoption non-profit to help foster children and I also babysit two kids in the mornings (furloughed right now until everything is better).

    I miss the connections and friendships I made on this server, so if anyone wants to talk or reconnect, feel free to reach out!
    Erebus45, LR_Davius, Telinus and 21 others like this.
  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    when I joined I was 13 in year living living a carefree life and watching spongebob day in and day out

    now studying software eng in my second year of uni and haven’t watched spongebob for a few months :(
  6. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    I first started MeepCraft almost 10 years ago because I was excited about Minecraft and I wanted a place to play with my friends and family, and didn’t expect for it to become such a large community. There have been many great memories over the years and memorable players. I worked with talented developers to create custom software from the game and expand the virtual economy, and it helped me become a great developer myself. At the age of 14, it was a great learning experience and I had my fair share of successes and failures. Eventually I started working on other software products such as a mobile payment processing application for small businesses, and it was my first product for small businesses. I learned a lot about the different challenges small businesses were facing and how to solve them, as well as integrating with POS systems. Now I am working on a new AI-based product that I am excited about called Otis and it helps SMBs reach their customers and acquire new ones using digital marketing. I will always continue creating new projects to solve different problems, but I always return to the MeepCraft community because I am excited to see how it evolves and I hope to continue supporting the server and community throughout this next decade.
  7. IFartOnChilren

    IFartOnChilren Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I was 14 or 15 when I joined. I am 23 now and working as a systems engineer and will be graduating college in a month. Life is pretty busy, cool to see some familiar names online again.
  8. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Wow, its been years!! I FINALLY grew up!! ;)
  9. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Hello all! I joined back in mid-March/early-April 2013 depending on the account you look at. I was sixteen at the time and on track to become a veterinarian. However, my path changed during my senior year of high school. I graduated high school in 2015 and have been in and out of activity ever since. Last May, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Since then, I have been working in IT for a large international streaming / US broadcast company. I returned to Meep a bit more than a month ago looking for another stress reliever.
  10. LordInateur

    LordInateur Deus Ex Machina Staff Member Administrator

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    I joined less than a year after launch, I believe. @iiTzJDL was the mayor of my first town xD. Now I'm finishing up college--been there too long, finishing up degrees in computer science, software engineering, digital forensics, and a minor in mathematics. I work as the lead information security engineer at a health research facility for my day job, and for my night job I'm the CEO of a research institution that provides custom software solutions and DevOps outsourcing. So as @Midnight_Galaxy is fond of saying--I don't sleep very much lol
  11. sinisterweapon7

    sinisterweapon7 Popular Meeper

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    Wowza. I joined Meep on May 23rd, 2012 at the ripe age of 12 years old. Now I'm a junior in college majoring in psychology and minoring in spanish. I'm gonna be applying to graduate schools in the fall for a M.A. in Mental Health Counseling :). Oh I also work for chipotle and I was supposed to have a cool internship this summer but that was scrapped .-. Glad to see so many old faces back on the server, it's given me a good case of nostalgia.
  12. MrTonycat

    MrTonycat Celebrity Meeper

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    Joined June 3rd, 2012 when I was 14. Had a great time on the server for a few years, made a lot friends and had the privilege of being staff for a while. I am now a recent graduate from Iowa State University with a Bachelor's in Biochemistry. Just job searching now.
  13. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    I joined when I was 11 in 2014, now I'm 17 and graduating this year which is crazy to think about, I joined Meepcraft with little to no experience with online gaming, or online stuff in general as how I was tempbanned within the first 10 minutes of joining by muunkee because I didn't know what the caps lock was lol, so I have learned a lot. life is life, and life sucks, but in a way this server kinda raised me with all the friends I had made and good times I've had, a lot of those old friends I still keep in contact with today. With this whole quarantine thing, Meepcraft being active again honestly has been a huge nostalgia trip for me seeing all these old names that I never thought I'd see again, I've been in a pretty rough spot in life past few months but seeing all these people again who I had looked up to from when I was so young, and now being here, surprisingly makes an impact. I've moved around the east coast a couple times in the past year or so but I live with my grandparents now, planning to move down to Florida and get an apartment with one of my good friends who I've known most of my life and going to a technical school down there to study Cyber security, so hopefully that all works out. It's been great seeing everyone again, and hopefully the server stays active now.
    ENIbeast, Jaina, Shellcode and 12 others like this.
  14. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    i joined in august 2012 and it’s safe to say my life has gone downhill since i was 10 that day. i was hit with issues left and right and made the decision to switch to online school in jan 2019.

    now i’m 18, barely finished school 2 months ago, hard to find a job because of this weird virus thing, idk if you guys have ever heard of it.

    if you’re wondering why this is boring, it’s because nothing ever interesting happens in my life, but i’m just vibin at home rn.
  15. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    When I joined I was in 8th grade.

    Now Im a freshman in college studying Information Systems and hoping to minor in graphic design. Im low-key tiktok famous and made some money doing that and have been lifeguarding (or well did before the virus) for some cash to blow having fun in college.
  16. emmettz24

    emmettz24 Celebrity Meeper

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    this takes me back oh man... don’t know if anyone here even remembers me but now ima music major in my first year at uni trying to make it big in the music production world. haven’t been here in years lol
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I have meep to thank for a lot of things. It's brought me partners, a few friends I still talk to, and socialization that I didn't get as a kid cause I was homeschooled and cooped up all the time. A whole lot of my life was spent here, thousands of hours, and a lot of people on here were the only people I talked to outside of my direct family for literally years.

    I moved from Texas to Washington state and got a job at Amazon - I started with one team and got laid off, but that's fine because I landed an even better one and am making way too much for someone my age, not that I'm complaining. I've got my own apartment, 10 animals in my apartment [soon 11!] I'm working more on my artwork and am trying to design some little stickers and things I can throw on Redbubble and maybe earn a little extra coin, even though it probably won't be much, and am finally starting to learn more about my own mental health which I was never able to do before, and I feel tons better because of it.

    Sorry to all those people I was an absolute ass to, but hey, a lot of you were an incredibly important part of my life and it helped me to grow into what I am now. So thank you to all you guys I knew and talked to <3
  18. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

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    I joined in January 2014 when I was 19 , quit..... summer of 2015 when I was 20 ? who knows, I've been so off and on since then. It's been an insane 5 years at that too. I moved to and lived in Orlando in fall of 2015 with @Courtneyyy after high school graduation. We both got dream jobs and worked at Disney World... I got married 12/31/2015 to my high school BF of 4 years and we then moved to San Diego CA in Feb 2016 for military stuff, now I'm back in Georgia on the East Coast for the last 2 years & soon enough going to celebrate 5 years of being married. I decided college wasn't for me after 1 semester but my hubs is now a sophomore in college & I couldn't be prouder! (I legit couldn't do it lmao)
    So now I have 2 dogs and 2 guinea pigs, we bought our first house this year, I finally settled into my career at a family Business this past August. I still am good Pals with 3 meepers & I even met one IRL on my birthday last year! ( looking @ you @hippapajoe o_O)
    It's cool to pop in & see so many old players on this thread that I completely forgot about. While I'll probably never play meep seriously again, it was so cool to scroll though and see everyone's life updates!
    Wish everyone well,

  19. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    Joined early 2014, was 14. Am now 20 nearly 21. Been doing IT support but more recently got into doing videos with a buddy of mine on a few paid gigs. Asking my girlfriend to marry me soon hopefully that goes well. It's really nice to see a lot of the same faces I used to know still semi active along with new faces too. Cheers all.
  20. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    I still don't do anything