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Best Posts in Thread: Suggestion

  1. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Deljikho, Meznik, Muunkee and 2 others like this.
  2. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    The point of Legend is to just be a nod and a thank you to those who paid $320 for their rank. The point of ranks is to be an incentive to donate more. Additionally, ranks need to be balanced to a point where it isn't pay-to-win enough to drive new players (who we want to buy our ranks) away.
    Heres what you said...
    It's clear that you're pushing for a bigger rank here which while understandable from your perspective, but we need to look at this from the server's general point of view. Legend which is a discontinued rank is not attainable to a new player. So if we were to add a big or even game-breaking pay to win perk such as fly in wild, they wouldn't wont to donate because let's face it why would they. They can't get a major perk that I'm sure just about everyone would like to have. They would just move on to a different server. End result would be while Legends are slightly happier overall but players of all other ranks (a large majority of our player base would be very unhappy).

    I hope this helped to explain where we are coming from on this. lmk if you have any questions.
    smk, CluelessKlutz, Meznik and 2 others like this.
  3. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    "why have anti xray when staff can just ban people? Why have it when it annoys players and some xrayers still get around it?" Why would we intentionally add a system that will cause people to get banned?
    Preventative measures are usually more efficient than reactive ones. Among the administration team, we have 0 interest in ever adding nicknames for the confusion and trouble it can cause without even getting into the chat rule issues. Plenty of reason not to enable nicknames, but less moderation is certainly a bonus when we'd rather be working on projects.

    This thread will be locked until decisions are made on the individual suggestions.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 25, 2020, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2020 ---
    Already in the works, considering this denied due to duplicate suggestion.
    Denied, we don't intend to add any major perks to an unobtainable rank.
    Denied due to duplicate suggestion, however this idea is already accepted.
    Denied, starter kits are being added.
    Fly in spawn completed. Denied for wild
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You really have not been reading what people have been saying have you? It is exclusive to people who donated sooner, before the price change. I don't care about the price change.

    Legend is exactly the same as ultimate. Think of legend as a /nick to ultimate. Its literally the same. The one and only difference is when you bought it.

    Its a donation, not a purchase, so be happy you got anything at all lmao
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 20, 2020, Original Post Date: Feb 20, 2020 ---
    Because they want it and cant get it, so its not fair to them.
  5. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    What? If someone makes the n word their nickname (which they probably wont do because they spent 320 dollars on meepcraft) just perm ban them, seriously how is this hard