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Best Posts in Thread: Tech Application from cdhoff

  1. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Yes. I was experimenting with casino exploitation and was renaming items and selling them, and I’m sorry. Definitely not doing that again.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  2. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name cdhoff

    Additional In Game Names: junior_tivo_tyro

    How old are you? 15

    Location: Illinois, US

    Do you have Discord? Yes - @cdhoff#5530

    How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) Not too many recently, been improving my abilities

    Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? Kinda... (Not on any other server, but I was a tech here for a full 5 days!)

    References: Please give IGN's CluelessKlutz

    Introduction: Hi, you know me as cdhoff, but you can call me Chris. I am 15 years old, and I have been playing on the server on and off since November 7th 2017. There are those who like me, and those who don't (mostly as a joke, though). I recently haven't been playing a lot, but hope to get back into it, which I am trying to do. I am not really good at answering essay questions and tend to ramble a lot. My father has been a developer since before I was born and has been part of multiple companies where he has been above them all in experience and knowledge, even most of his bosses. We both have the same personality type - sarcastic. While he has been able to learn to hold back a little bit, I still struggle with that lightly (see previous demotion). I don't know if I should have made this yet, according to Lord's words, but I feel like the sooner, the better. I also told people I would be applying again around now.

    I don't talk a lot on the server, because it always seems in my head people don't want to hear what I have to say. When I was dev, I felt like people wanted to talk to me more, and I liked that feeling. If you ask some people that were active when I was on every day as tech, they (at least told me) I was fun to talk with and comedic. This could have changed, and me saying this makes me possibly seem full of myself, but I am just saying what I heard.

    Now, to talk about why I was demoted in the first place. I made some terrible comments at Achrow after a play rivalry we had over a 100k bet, and didn't have my head on straight. I let the "power" I had get the best of me, and I am sorry. Achrow and I have made up not too long after the incident.

    Please describe your experience as a developer. I have technically been developing since the 1.5 days - 2013, but I have actually been trying to improve my skills and make something useful since 2015. I have been using computers all of my life, and I know most of the ins-and-outs of most operating system and I can adapt to whatever you throw at me.

    What programming languages are you familiar with? I am familiar with Java, CSS, HTML, JSON (A little bit), and XAML/YAML (A little bit), and have some, but not much, experience with MySQL. I've also started to delve a little bit in bash.

    What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? Well... I can't really share it with anyone, but the higher ups have the supplydrop plugin, and if not, I can send it to them.

    For everyone else, here is my previous project before I became a Developer at first.


    How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? Because I am 15, I don't have a job. I am also home-schooled and don't have friends, so my schedule is pretty much open all day most of the time. I have always picked up concepts quickly. I also am great at multitasking, and most of the time, when I was developing for Meep, I also would talk on the server.

    Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. juniortivotyro

    Message me on Discord if you want to ask me something in PM's
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
    cooey, SuperDyl, lanekids40 and 7 others like this.
  3. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    If you get the chance this time, just make sure you think before doing something stupid.
    iKitten, agnd, cdhoff and 1 other person like this.