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Best Posts in Thread: Temporarily Close the Helper Applications

  1. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I think we should make everyone a staff member so then no one will ever break the rules because staff never break rules ever.
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    If someone wants to be a staff member so desperately that they apply for arch or media rather than helper purely bc helper is not available at the moment they don't need to be a staff member
    nothing is wrong with the current system
  3. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

    Likes Received:
    If people believe they are talented enough and want to dedicate time they will apply. Since there isn't any apps up for those roles it speaks for itself really. Closing moderation applications won't change their decision on applying for other roles.
  4. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    We don't need large amounts of useless specialized staff, we need a couple dedicated medias / architects, not just fellas who want it for the popularity.
  5. EnergyAssassin

    EnergyAssassin nerd Staff Member Administrator

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    We could use more ComDevs though.
    BooBear1227, Pmx728, riri30 and 2 others like this.
  6. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    Media and Arch's are pretty much the only ones who need the most help. With ComDev we aren't really in dire need of techs which most people don't see those people with a rank besides on discord.

    We always encourage people with the ability to make videos or build to please apply! Love this suggestion though, as it has been something we've done in the past I don't know why it has stopped. We used to close them monthly and open them up for a week or so out of the month. +1
    Zesk, GroovyGrevous, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  7. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Every time we close apps, all that happens is they build up, and then there's a flood of applications whenever they open again. We tried doing a system where applications were only open for one week a month, and it didn't work because it doesn't matter when people apply, it's based on when we review them. It is foolish thinking to close helper applications to try and divert people to apply for things like architect or develop or media. The people who want those positions won't be swayed because they can't apply for helper. We have quite a few moderation staff now, but the idea of closing applications seems silly because we can just deny people. Keeping them open but denying ones we don't need still allows for us to add people when we need them. All in all, this suggestion has been denied.
  8. lollisweet101

    lollisweet101 Celebrity Meeper

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    Meepcraft is in need for more Medias, Techs, and Architects. In fact we only have 1 media, 2 techs, and 1 architect. I find it troubling that there are helper applications still being submitted even though almost half of daily the player count are moderation staff members. *This is not to hurt anyone, I know that there are people who have dreams of applying, as well as hard working moderation staff that are doing a good job. In total, there are 17 Helpers, Mods, and SMods, and 9 of them are helpers.
    In my opinion, I don't think we need over 17+ staff members on a 40 playerbase. Meep is in desperate need for non-moderation staff and should make positive efforts towards advertising and exposing players to the possibility of applying for Tech, Media, and Architect. This can be done by having timed messages in-game, encouraging players, showcasing the non-moderation staff roles and possibly hold events to promote these non-moderation staff roles.

    I know not everyone is capable of recording high quality videos, or coding, or building, but Meepcraft should still encourage people to apply for these non-moderation staff roles.
    Last edited: May 1, 2018