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Best Posts in Thread: Enabling Taxes for town staff

  1. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Pretty straightforward suggestion, I know in most towns the staff are already putting money in the bank, I'd rather it just be automatic. Just want the option to toggle taxes/autodonations (1k per day from all staff for example). Very helpful to smaller towns like Aincrad or Bastion (since most/all of the players in that size town are staff) and larger towns alike!
  2. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

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    For me paying taxes is like surgery. Its much better for me to be under anesthetics and unaware of my surgery, then to have to perform the surgery on myself while conscious; in the same way I’d rather be unaware that I am paying taxes then be completely vigilant and paying the taxes myself via /t deposit
    People who are giving -1s should take a moment and notice that Zamos has said that it will be completely optional to your mayor/comayor. The feature is more for towns like me and Zamos’ town, where there are almost no other residents and neither of us are really above each other. It would be best for single town owners so that they can have their bank growing w/o having to remember.
    One downside is that towns will take significantly longer to fall (*clueless gasps*) so perhaps the taxes should be deactivated on high staff that have been inactive for 30+ days or so. This will make inactive towns able to fall instead of giving towns near immunity.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    I believe it would be a useful feature to charge recruiters, builders, and assistants (with the current towny ranks). Co-mayors, mayors, and vip could be tax free. (Since co-mayor can just withdraw anyways) It would give a purpose to the vip rank in not paying taxes.
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I will look into this option!
  5. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    Big talk