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Best Posts in Thread: Towny Map

  1. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    As you may know, an in-progress towny map is being housed in /pwarp Peach at the moment. The project was started by @Twomoo, along with my help. We have around 25 maps finished, but they take a long time to complete, and we would love to get some help!
    This is an entirely voluntary project, so no payment is received for help. However, if you're still interested after hearing that, then /msg me or twomoo1119 in game. We'll give you a copy of the map we are currently working on, and you can help as much or as little as you like. Even just 10 minutes of mapping helps our project, which seeks to complete a map of the towny world along with all the towns in it!

    Thanks for reading this, and a big thanks to:

    I apologize if I forgot anyone!