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Best Posts in Thread: My Resignation

  1. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    Hello Meepers, I honestly don't know where to start. I joined in October, played for about a year, then become really active and started to really enjoy MeepCraft. I then applied for Helper, that's where it all began. I went through so much with everyone. I made some crazy memories, made some friendships with people I will never let fade away. MeepCraft seriously has impacted my life, I would never think to say that a minecraft server I found when I was about 11 impacted my life. It seriously has, this server has made me happy when I was in a bad mood, I've met so many people that shared wonderful memories with me. Each and one of you I'll remember.

    Its been about a whole 11 months I've been a staff member. Every single month has been a journey I will never forget. The venting about personal situations on slack, the decisions, the communication, and even the arguing I will miss. The thing I will miss mostly about this server is the community, no other server has a community like this one. Other servers may have higher player counts, better plugins, but NO SERVER, I mean NO SERVER, can even compete with having a community like ours.

    It was time I left, I don't think MeepCraft is "trash" I don't think MeepCraft is going to die in a few months, no. It was just time for me. I'm not leaving the server, I could never just drop MeepCraft. I will probably go inactive, but I will always, be apart of this community. I will keep in touch with all of you, I promise to. I may even return in the future as a staff member.

    Anyways, thanks MeepCraft for all the experiences and memories I will remember, its been great ride.
  2. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    Cya nick
  3. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

    Likes Received:
    nick it was an absolute pleasure spending countless days with you teaching you the qualities to be an amazing person and supermod. i know you will find no less than great things in your life. keep in touch pal :)