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Best Posts in Thread: bathroom policy

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    How is it an issue when it rarely ever happens? You couldn't count the examples on your hand.

    Coming from someone who is married and has four children I can tell you immediately that you're wife is another human being who is independent and doesn't need you "to feel comfortable".

    As for children, what happens when you are out with your young daughter and she has to use the bathroom? Do you, as an adult male, go into the women's bathroom, or escort your child into the mens? I can tell you from experience that I've never encountered a creeper of the opposite sex in a public restroom but I couldn't count on my fingers the number of times I've had to take one of my kids to the restroom.

    To an extent I agree. Coming from a bit older generation I do believe there is some extremes in this identity debate that are absolutely asinine and irritate the hell out of me. Would I think of a male "identifying" as a female as a lesser human being? Absolutely not, but I also would not be overly upset if I called someone who preferred "she" to "he", nor would I accept their claims of being attacked in anyway.

    Considering what we know of homosexuality and alt type lifestyles as a science, until you can prove that hormones, chemicals and DNA cannot exercise itself in a way to make a man feel like a woman or vice versa, then there is credibility to the claim of difference between gender and biological sense.

    More to the point, why do you care what other people do? What's it to you if Fred wants to be Fanny?
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    People on the internet can say how awful they'd feel or whatever if the "wrong gender" went into their bathroom when seriously I've seen girls go in the men's and visa versa especially when one or the other was just too bloody filthy

    On the internet people care, in reality, no one gives a crap.
  3. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    He's saying you should grow up because you debate like a monkey.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    He doesn't know.

    He knows that in order to check off his "Good Conservative Checklist" he needs to be for and against certain ideas. This is specifically why he can state the stance of topics but tends to fail when we delve into "Why have you come to this conclusion?" sections of the debate.

    He is uncomfortable with the idea of a man using the restroom of his future wife/child/etc ultimately, that has to be the logical origin of the sentiment. But he still has to argue from that origin of thought to the conclusion, which is him saying "I think people should use the bathrooms of their biological sex." We're witnessing him, for the first time, trying to draw that line from A to B, because it's probably never once really entered his thoughts and he's really never actually thought the stance out, much like most of his stances.

    This is why it suddenly switched from "I don't want a man in the bathroom with my future wife" to "Would you let .... .... undress in a lockerroom with your ... ...". It's because he's being a fish trying to find a route upstream.

    The feeling uncomfortable is a legitimate issue in that it's a real reaction from him and it's not something to blame him for. I'd be uncomfortable too, but that's when you have to just not be a special snowflake and get over yourself because the actual legitimate threat being cited as justification simply isn't there. Even beyond that the reaction of bathroom laws is asinine because it doesn't really address the logical concerns with it, such as why would people willing to commit a felony be deterred by a non-enforceable misdemenor law?

    This is because the aim of this law is not to provide a safer environment, because they cannot reasonably show evidence that the environment is unsafe to begin with, but to employer citizens to take the law into their own hands and harass people they suspect in order to alleviate their own uncomfortableness, rather than just not be a special snowflake.
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This sentiment is the reason why I adamantly despise the far-left ideologies and cultures. Someone was engaging you in a mature discussion without throwing low-punches or insulting the topic. While minor incidents like this isn't a big deal, the people from the line of thinking you've shown seems to be just as great of threat, if not greater, to my freedoms than the current administration.

    The very notion of trying to legislate how people urinate and deficate is asinine and obnoxious. The very notion that this much time has been taken up in the public discourse is worrying. Life should not be catered to everyone's personal needs and issues, it should just equally suck for everyone, which is why the perfect solution is just unisex bathrooms where the answer to someone's problem with it is "Shut up and don't use the bathroom them".

    Well in the scenario you've outlined you would just be a weirdo jerk then. The reason is because we, as a nation, do not have an issue with people pretending to be another gender to use another gender's bathroom. We also, nationally, do not have an issue with people going into opposite gender's bathrooms to rape or assault anyone, as has been claimed. Why would we try to legislature on the basis of could, because using that logic we would need to legislate for a myriad of things that could happen, which is limitless.
    SX1, BlackJack, Erebus45 and 5 others like this.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The solution is simple - Make all bathrooms unisex and the problem is solved.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Hey, it's just what I believe.
    MeepLord27, Natsu, Muunkee and 4 others like this.
  8. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Do you even read your own sources?

    ^Keep in mind that's only NC, not the entire US.
    Erebus45, Natsu, cnkropp and 4 others like this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But "feels" are worthless in a reality of facts. The fact is that this is something that never happens once in a blue moon and that is simply attributable to the risk of being alive in the world.

    Then don't

    That's pretty much what everyone else in the world does currently, they do in to use the bathroom. I bet you I could find more examples of Republican politicians propositioning for homosexual sex in bathrooms than you could find of people misrepresenting their gender to assault people in bathrooms. Perhaps we could exclude them too, because I feel that it would just make it easier for them if we did nothing.

    But how does someone else using the restroom in this scenario affect you? I've lived more than a decade longer than you and I've never once encountered this problem ever.

    But this is not an actual situation as trans people tend to go into the bathroom which they best represent and the reason they do this is because it's the path of least resistance. They're goal is simply to use the bathroom without awkward looks or any other hassle associated with their appearance.

    If a business wants to enforce a bathroom policy then they should be able to do so, but we don't need big government getting into our personal lives and dictating what we can or cannot do in personal matters.
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Have you seen him???? Id be quite happy
  11. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    If you're actually transgender you'll be able to lose the bathroom you want and no one will bat an eye. Even if you go into the bathroom of the opposite gender no one cares. I've used the girl's bathroom a number of times.
  12. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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  13. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Nevermind that thousands of innocent people are convicted falsely and serve a ton of time for a crime they didn't commit.

    I don't have a problem with you having a problem with anything, if that makes sense. You have the right to be uncomfortable with trans people using the bathroom of their choice. However, you having a personal problem with something =/= it should be illegal.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 12, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 12, 2017 ---
    Right, so your opinions are based on someone else's opinion or whatever. But as demonstrated by a lot of other posters in this thread, they are not based in fact. You have the right to have and even express your opinions, and I respect that. However, your opinions are wrong because they're not based in fact.

    You keep on saying that your opinions will "keep people safe." But there are no statistics, facts, or data indicating that preventing trans people from using the bathrooms of their choice keeps people safe.

    What about the converse, that denying trans people access to bathrooms is correlated with increased rates of suicide? Do you care about the safety and mental health of trans people too?


    So I'm going to ask this follow-up question: how did you come to the conclusion that preventing people from using the bathrooms of their identity keeps people safe?
    Natsu, Deinen, Deljikho and 3 others like this.
  14. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Because identifying as a froot lupe doesn't physically harm you or other people, all your examples do.

    How!? Dude, I don't get trans genderers either, but it doesn't affect me at all so I don't go around telling other people how to live there lives. IMO people who do are kinda jerks.

    Not when they affect and actively make someone elses life harder.
    You cuck crybully snowflake libtard feminazi.
  15. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Can someone please ban him from debates, he is still going on about nonsense to me after I just told him I said something for the side he is on?
  16. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I'm still not sure why I would care. I'm going to go in for 2 minutes and then leave. So is that person. I'm more uncomfortable with people talking on their phones in the bathroom than a dude being in there, honestly

    I never said you were false, I've been saying you have extremely contradicting points. Which is true, is it not?

    Attempting to constructively argue and to change people's minds using reasoning is the POINT of a debate.

    We literally haven't though. We've taken what you've said and we have taken it in a very literal stance, as is what one should do in a debate.

    You're calling us liars, see both blackjack and court calling you out on it above, and I've seen you've called people moron or idiot etc across debates

    You say this every single time your opinion gets challenged, you have no valid response to it, so you start shouting about how none of it matters, and then you say you quit then you keep going.

    I'm still waiting for a legit answer to my points
    I'll quote them for you in case you wanna see again :)

    qazini, Pmx728, Erebus45 and 3 others like this.
  17. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    It's only "false"/"being twisted by us" because you can't find a good rebuttal to what we say.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 15, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 15, 2017 ---
    Maybe you should take a thing or two from The Debathiest's playbook. Regardless of his opinions on things, he always spelled/grammared/typed correctly, was able to get his thoughts/opinions/facts across and be understood, and he didn't resort to insulting people or their ideas when he ran out of material (note: he never ran out of material. Ever.). Even if he was horribly annoying he sure knew how to argue. It'd help your credibility a ton if you argued your points better, regardless of if we agree or disagree with them.
    qazini, Erebus45, Natsu and 3 others like this.
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    You have not answered a single one of my questions nor addressed my comments, and simply attacked my logic.

    The point of my comment was not about breast size or hair. My point was, I look kinda like a dude! And that means, by your logic, I go to the mens room.

    Please read my comments and posts and address them, otherwise you're not really participating, you're flinging your opinion around and not arguing, especially not constructively.

    Looks like I'm a man now
  19. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh, I couldn't tell. I guess that kinda dismantles any type of argument I was going to make. GG.
  20. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    i wish i could like this multiple times
    MeepLord27, Muunkee, SuperDyl and 2 others like this.