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Best Posts in Thread: The MeepTimes #27

  1. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    Welcome to The MeepTimes, the twice-monthly update to keep the community in the loop with what’s new, behind the scenes, and in the works. This will be published every other Friday.​

    Server Updates


    One of your favorite minigames is back! Survive the infection as the humans, or hunt them down as the infected! This is the Beta version of our brand new plugin, so please report any issues, and have fun!

    Take to the field in our newest edition! Simply enter the arena to join in on the fun!

    We have completely redone KitPvP, adding all new kits! Enjoy the various abilities each kit has to offer, and working to buy additional kits.

    Tired of being snowed in? Drop the shovel once and for all now that snow will not form on the ground anymore. Now if only it was this easy in the real world . . .

    Bugs Squashed

    All previous issues with KitPvP have been resolved!

    Recently Accepted Suggestions

    Defaulting Towns
    With this, all towns will automatically be set to private, so no more unwanted visitors in your future metropolis!

    Trello Card

    Towny Challenges
    Gotten tired of the same things in Towny? Now try engaging in various challenges made specifically for Towny!

    Trello Card

    Become the best by achieving all the levels in Mcmmo! Restrictions and level caps fade, as you acquire new skills along the way!

    Trello Card

    Community/Sever Events


    Credits to @Vexmae for image

    Firework Show
    Jcheino hosted a large fireworks show for all to see in Creative, inviting everyone to watch the show.

    Staff vs Players
    Several times over the past few days, players and staff have formed teams against each others for some fun together in KitPvP. See images here.

    Storytime with the Crew

    To read what happened previously, check out Meeptimes #26.

    “My lord, you must come see this,” Gareth the guard rushed through Lord Klutch’s Castle, desperately. “It’s the bank. Three players have been selling a lot of gold recently, and I’ve been watching them from my usual post. So, I followed them back one day, thanks to a nifty little invisibility potion. I tracked the group back to the new Towns world, into an enormous temple. You’ll never believe what I saw.”

    “What was it?” Lord Klutch inquired, staring at Gareth with his one, large eye.

    “Why, nothing short of a vast machine of Redstone that creates infinite gold.”

    Frowning, Klutch pondered the effect this would have on the realm for a few minutes. After thanking Gareth for his information, he dispatched him back to his post within the bank.

    “If this is true, then it has the possibility to ruin the empire,” the seasoned administrator thought to himself. “This must be stopped, and soon.” He sighed, shaking his head slightly and directing his gaze to a shadow near the wall, a good few feet away.

    @xT3Kx, Lord Klutch’s most trusted adviser, had been quietly listening throughout the commotion, a calculating look on his face.

    “Are you sure it’s not Hornemans? Ambitious: check, gold farm: check, illegal: check, sounds like it to me.” Noting the disapproving stare, he continued, “Fine, fine, I’ll go check it out.”

    As he was preparing to head out, T3k picked up the Magnus Malleus, a mythical hammer passed down through the ages, to be used in the most serious of crimes. “Mind if I borrow this?”


    Meanwhile, Quest Blaster rolled on the floor; his face splitting into a wide grin as he spread coins all around him.

    “It works so well,” he exclaimed. “We shall never have to work again!”

    “Perfect! I kinda want to buy myself Supreme, but I’m always broke,” chuckled Romeo.

    “I wouldn’t worry about just Supreme; with this plan you can buy Ultimate in no time.” They both laughed maliciously.

    To be continued . . .

    Humans Of MeepCraft - Feat. @Courtneyyy


    How did you find MeepCraft?

    My best friend (bby_cakes24) played Meep with her boyfriend at Christmas time 2013 and I made fun of them the entire time because I thought it was so lame. Around sometime in February 2014 I went over to her house (she lived next door) and told me to buy and download Minecraft. I thought she was so silly but the rest is history and I’m still here and she hardly gets on anymore.

    How did you get your job at Disney?

    It’s a pretty long sob story but after a lot of crap going on in real life, I literally told myself “I need to get out and Disney is home” and so, at the time, I moved back into my parents house and applied that night. I immediately got a series of interviews that Disney does which is a web interview, a phone interview, and then an in person interview! In the face to face interview, I got the job on the spot!

    What's your favorite Disney song?

    It isn’t really a known song but the Festival of Fantasy Parade music is my favorite because every float represents a Disney movie and themes the music around that. If you’d like to watch it, the best video I found is here! It’s something that makes me so happy and watching it gives me all the feels.

    What's your favorite Disney Movie?

    Brave! Without a doubt, Merida is my all time favorite Disney Princess because the message behind her story is so inspiring to young females everywhere!

    Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

    I’d rather see my best friend succeed in all areas of life. Although money can’t buy happiness, I’d imagine that 500k would make anybody pretty happy and I’d be so happy for him. Also, he’d take me with him wherever he decided to go with it because that’s what best friends do.

    If you could have any power in the world, what would it be and why?

    I think I’d like the power to heal. There are so many people and animals I could save and/or help by healing that couldn’t be helped by surgeons or doctors. That’d be awesome and such a selfless and kind act.

    What’s the most enjoyable part about being an admin and do you like being the only girl in high-staff?

    Being an Admin is so much fun! I’ve learned so much over the past few months about the server that I never knew existed which is super awesome. It’s hard to pick just one thing that is most enjoyable because the position overall is something I’d want my greatest enemy to have the chance to feel and be a part of. Sometimes being high-staff is difficult with really hard choices to make such as resetting the server but we make these choices with every single meeper in our minds before actually making them. Being the only girl in high-staff is surprisingly fun even though I am surrounded by men who are a pain in my backside most of the time, I appreciate every single one of them and I am not sure what I’d do without ‘em. Fuzzlr picks on me 24/7, and Klutch and I tussle all the time like he’s a big brother putting me in my place; then he calls me a punk when I get all upset. Even though we may disagree or argue about silly things (or I may yell a lot) at the end of the day they are family and I love them all dearly!

    What do you like most about MeepCraft?

    Usually, the answer to this question is the community. This is true for most, but I LOVE the diversity of our community. We have people from all over the world playing Meep which is so awesome you never would’ve thought you’d have basically a pen pal that lives millions of miles away but you form a bond and a friendship unlike any other. We all have different ideas that make Meep so amazing and that is truly something to treasure.

    Welcomes and Farewells

    Farewell to Reggles for being our amazing tech someone who has worked for countless hours on the server, fixing, making, and maintaining the server, we thank @reggles44 for all his work. Nice one reggles44!

    Congratulations to @EllieEllie, @Noahnda, and @NinjaRoxy on their promotion to moderator!

    Get involved with the MeepTimes

    With every release of the paper we will pick a cover photo and a (free) advertisement submitted by the community. The owner of each piece of content will receive 4,000 meebles and have their name featured in the article, below their content. Fill out the form here to submit content. Happy Meeping!

    The next issue of The MeepTimes will be released March 17 2017! See you then!
    This issue was created by @CluelessKlutz @EllieEllie @MoonlitMadness @Courtneyyy @Niiicck
  2. Noahnda

    Noahnda Celebrity Meeper

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    Great edition! Who's idea was it to promote this Noahnda dude? Bad idea.
  3. xT3Kx

    xT3Kx Retired AF Elder

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    Gotta fix this ASAP.