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Best Posts in Thread: A short rant: Anti-Vaccine People

  1. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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    Flu shot season!

    ...Also the season of pesky middle-aged moms and dads saying "I ain't gon let my baby gurl get flu shots 'cus it puts the flu in ya!" in their Facebook statuses.
    ...Yes. It does put the flu inside of you. You know why?

    Quick health lesson: Your body has to have experience with a certain sickness before it can form an immunity to it.
    When you get a vaccination, they are injecting a harmlessly small amount of the flu virus in your bloodstream so that your immune system can, well... FORM AN IMMUNITY. TO THE FLU.

    this goes for all other vaccinations, not just flu

    ok thats all bye
    Splendy, KyloMeep, cooey and 8 others like this.
  2. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    @Splendy --
    "Herd immunity you moron."

    "...yet people like you still believe the utter crap he spewed."

    "If this dumb movement continues to grow..."

    "...because I am not completely selfish and I care about the health of others."

    "If... you are a deplorable human being and should be ashamed."

    This is so far out of line, especially for a children's forum. Please don't speak to others like that.

    You can be upset without taking the low-road.
  3. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    The ones who do not like the vaccines don't understand how they work. Sure, they're injecting the flu in you, but they're injecting a DEAD flu virus. Your body reads the virus as a live one, so it just keeps making cells that make you immune from the actual flu.
    Splendy, KyloMeep, cooey and 5 others like this.
  4. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    @CanadianMinerBoi -- Not to be abrasive here but I'm done trying to explain this any further, as you can see the point is very simple. It's my choice. I choose not to take it. Just like it's your choice to take the shot.

    I don't think it's a simple case of, "My body, my rules.", because you're putting other people in jeopardy due to this decision you're making. The fundamental principle behind the rationale you're invoking, is that you are allowed to control your own body. That it's 'your life, your call'. But as I think we can all agree upon (on some level, anyway), "The freedom to swing your arm ends at my face.". You can swing your arm freely as much as you like. But the moment you start putting other peoples well-being at risk? We have a problem.

    Let's take this example to the extreme, just to illustrate a point. If you had the Zika virus, would it be acceptable for you to deny treatment, continuing your life as you would normally? Clearly not, right? Because the minute you step out your front door, you're potentially infecting other people. It's exactly the same principle in play here. If you're not immunized against the virus, you're putting everyone's life in danger due to the fact that your body is a viable host for the strain.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  5. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    Wew lad. Dial the hostility back a step or ten please. The tribalism too.
  6. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Rejecting them ain't a personal choice. If your immune system can handle getting a vaccine, you should be obligated to take it lest you catch said illness fully and go on to infect someone who has an immune system to weak to handle the vaccine. If you were only putting yourself at risk, I would be perfectly okay with people not getting vaccinated, but due to the nature of diseases, it is irresponsible not to.
  7. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Better yet, get jesus to do is for you
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    So you cannot become immune to the flu. You can gain resistance / immunity to the strain of the flu inside the vaccine, which is essentially a guess on which strain of the flu will be prevalent. I've never had a flu shot in my life and I've never experienced any issues.

    Vaccinations have, historically, had instances where the vaccination itself was harmful, especially when my parents were younger this issue was a bigger concern than today. As far as vaccinations and autism are concerned, it's a trash theory, but I do not blame people for being skeptical on what they inject in their body.
  9. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    @CanadianMinerBoi -- If my choice to not take the mandated vaccines is against the law what stops them from using that process for other things?

    Can you specify these "other things"? Give us some examples to better understand how you're approaching this.

    Why can't you see that? I don't know, maybe we have not reached that point as a society yet. That is the precedence I am referring to. It may seem as I am being unreasonable, however I feel (after all my family medical problems I still am having) My holy grail, the proverbial line drawn in the sand,to be redundant is the right to protect my life against gross administrative negligence when I have no way of suing the companies after damages have been done because that company can afford lobbyist to push that through law.

    Why would you have to sue these companies?

    That was done to help speed up research into creating newer drugs. After all there is no new money to be used in research.

    I'm afraid I don't know what this means.

    I understand that I should give people the benefit of the doubt. However that doubt is worsened when I hear "Open Borders" in reference to Zika.

    I'm not sure what this means either. I'm trying desperately to understand you. Forgive my lack of comprehension for a second and ignore the trolls. If you were addressing Fang here, I apologize. But my example about Zika was one that attempted to illustrate that you (rightly, in my eyes) don't always have the last say when it comes to what you do with your own body (Because it's potentially putting the safety of others in jeopardy).

    I was going to say more but if you won't bring your self to understand why this is so important to me then what can I say? I might as well get used to having this done to me and my family. When I become an administrative acceptable percentage that gets damaged then what will you be able to say to help me and my family? Will there be someone to fix that? Will anyone who thought I am a bad guy be there to help?

    Who is the "bad guy" you're referring to? Why do you feel victimized? What will need to be fixed? I'm so confused.

    I don't think so. Everyone makes there mind up a certain way due to the situation they find or found them self in the past.

    I'm routinely running-up against phrases or sentences that I don't quite 'get'. "Makes their mind up" implies a rigidity in one's position. Something I don't think I have. There's also an implication that we must draw from our own personal experiences, which I don't think is necessarily true either.

    We live in a western country just for that same reason. Hey it's not like we are in a communist ruled country (yet?). I feel that things that separate us from those types of gov. are being taken away slowly with every good intention.

    Hopefully one day we may come to some understanding.

    Please don't take this the wrong way. I appreciate your comments, and the time you're taking to talk about an issue you feel passionately about. That's awesome. Keep doing that. But a fair amount of your post doesn't talk about vaccinations, at least directly. It's 3 paragraphs of what seems like venting (just my impression). We've gone from; vaccines, to pharma companies, to legal procedures, to Open Borders, to 'being the bad guy', to Communism... and it all just seems like your thoughts have gone from your mind to the keyboard with no filter in-between. That's not intended to be insulting, and if it is, I apologize. I just want to talk about vaccines, and why you don't seem to be in support of them. With that in mind, I'd love a quick answer to 3 very quick, very simple requests, so we can start making progress on this issue.

    (1) Give me the best reason you have, against vaccination.

    (2) I'd love to have any evidence you have, that supports the answer to (1)

    (3) What would change your mind on this issue? What would I have to do, to convince you of the contrary?
  10. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    I apologise, I was out of order, this certain topic seems to irate me specifically I hope @Natsu can accept my apology.

    (Stealing your style of responding to quotes as it seems more efficient)


    Corporations do not exist to help people, they do not exist to make the world a better place, nor do they exist to create art. They exist to generate wealth, that is their sole purpose in this world, and they accomplish this with great efficiency.

    Don't get me wrong I don't believe corporations have any other intentions but to make money however they're selling a product and people don't tend to buy a product with no worth. It's in their best interest to sell something that works as the government isn't going to buy something that doesn't work, they'd be wasting money.

    Having mandatory vaccination does not take into the account that pharmacutical corporations have in the past used vaccinations that greatly harmed people, it's side affects were great risky and damaging. If we forced vaccinations on the population, we will encounter a scenario where a corporation, made to generate wealth, puts out a sub-par chemical compound / medicine, or a risky vaccination for some future illness that may cause significant damage.

    I'm not sure you understand, vaccinations that are compulsory are vaccinations which have been tested through generations with millions of pounds making sure they're safe for the general population. They're not just putting out compulsory vaccinations willy nilly the government is using vaccinations with a very high success rate to stop the spread of deadly diseases. Concerning the "sub-par chemical compound" statement I refer you to my response above.

    In our history, we do not have much success with forced medical procedures of any kind and I fail to see what has changed this track record overall.

    I disagree, as I have previously stated smallpox a disease which has killed upwards of 200 million and is now an extinct disease the vaccination for which was mandatory in the UK, I would consider that a large success.

    This recent tendency of outright insulting those disagree with you without taking the time to hear their disagreements is something that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth

    I agree, I was out of order once again I apologise to Natsu.

    unless you view those who have differing opinions than you as deplorable.

    I deem people who value their own slight discomfort over the lives of others deplorable.
  11. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    Because we put our families "at risk" for yours.
    I'll take something I see in the doctor's office all the time - the whooping cough vaccination. Whooping cough is very harmful for young children, and can be lethal. Would you let people that can easily be carrying this disease around your kid?
    Simply put, vaccinating those who can be protects those who can't be. Yes, you have a choice by choosing to be vaccinated. However - your choice directly affects the health of others. Thus, it is not /only/ your choice.

    Vaccinations do not make us immune to the disease necessarily, especially if it mutates. It makes us heavily resistant.
    You use this as examples of unregulated "choices" of health, yes?
    But being fat does not affect others - it's not contagious. And how many places have bans on smoking, because it affects not just the person smoking, but those around them? Non-smoking places are /everywhere/. If anything, that directly counters your own argument.

    I... I don't think she would be? I'm not sure what you mean by this at all.

    We don't wish to deny you choice of vaccinations against minor illnesses (i.e. flu), but extreme, debilitating and life-threatening illnesses, yeah.
    What do you mean by accepting the precedent? I'm unclear as to what precedent this sets, as it is within the government's legal rights (America) to regulate health concerns like these because it affects not just the individual, but the many.
    SJP, Cherrykit, Toostenheimer and 2 others like this.
  12. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    If you could please follow the chart, I'm sure you could better argue your position.
  13. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Kind of stopped reading half way because the way you write is aggravating and your tone is extremely off-putting. Other than that I think the gist of what you're trying to say is,"What about our freedom of choice? What if I simply don't want to be vaccinated?". Well the problem with that is that there are people who have certain medical problems and can not be vaccinated. Because of this, they are prone to new and virulent illnesses. In order to prevent these people from getting sick, everyone around them must be vaccinated. This is called herd immunity. However, if people start to refuse vaccinations, the herd immunity becomes extremely weak and the people who medically can not get vaccinated get sick because people want "freedom of choice".
  14. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't know if you're memeing, or you actually think vaccines are bad.
  15. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    I didn't intend to heat up the discussion. It's just vaccines guys. No need to be immature and call people morons.

    I just don't like the disrespect that everyone has here. Totally against the debate rules.

    Chill down please.
  16. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    Herd immunity you moron.
    A child who has had cancer doesn't necessarily have an immune system that can deal with vaccinations or an immune system at all, or a child who is allergic to certain ingrediests . They can't have the vaccination and therefore rely on the rest of the human race to be decent people and get vaccinated so the disease can't spread to them and kill them.

    The "doctor", if you can even call him that had his medical license revoked yet people like you still believe the utter crap he spewed. What people don't understand also is that it's not all vaccines that were linked it was literally one vaccine, the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine a vaccine which I have been given and surprise surprise I nor anyone I know hasn't developed autism due to this jab. To be completely honest even if it was directly linked to autism and there was a small chance I could develop autism and it was as prolific a killer as it has been I would take it, without a moments hesitation I would be vaccinated. Personally, I prefer autism to death...

    A note to all anti-vaccers:

    In the 1900's 300 million people died from small pox a horrific disease which has now been eradicated thanks to vaccination, a disease which covers you in horrific rashes cripples your immune system and leaves you in crippling agony and then leads to your death. It has killed more people than more than 3 times the amount of people killed in World War 1 and World War 2 combined. Another disease that is on its way out is polio, polio causes paralysis in the body to a point where you can't breath.
    This is an Iron Lung. It's the only thing keeping this man alive.
    This is him today. He has spent his entire life in this thing and if for one minute he left it he would die. His name is Paul Alexander, an American citizen who at the age of 6 caught polio and for 62 years he has been paralysed. Thanks to aggressive vaccination the disease is almost gone, completely wiped out from the UK, US, Australia and other countries but if this dumb movement continues to grow it could come back. Your children or even you could have to spend your life (if you survive that is) in one of these machines. A small jab in the arm or paralysis? Tough choice.

    I live in a country were certain vaccinations are compulsory and those vaccines are free, and if you don't let your child be vaccinated then your child can be removed from you due to neglect. I thank god that I live in a country were that is the case not only for my benefit but for the benefit of other people whether they are too ill or allergic because I am not completely selfish and I care about the health of others. If you don't want a vaccine because "I shouldn't have to" and "It's my choice" you are a deplorable human being and should be ashamed.

  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Actually, they did a study, and the ratio of kids who were vaccinated and got autism is the same as the ratio of kids who weren't vaccinated and got autism. Basically, it shows that the kid that got vaccinated and got autism was just a coincidence. The kid would have gotten autism with or without the vaccination.

    Vaccines could be a trigger though for certain health issues. For example: Kids with certain kinds of epilepsy will have a seizure when exposed to a vaccine. Not because the vaccine is harming them, but because it's a trigger (and keep in mind a lot of things could count as a trigger).
  18. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    There has not been a time I've gotten a flu shot that I haven't gotten the flu. Sure, it's luck (different strain than the vaccines have, ofc), but I haven't had the flu since we've stopped getting the shot.
  19. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    The thing is there are people out there who are scared of shots for flu, because they believe that the USA Gov will try out biological weapons on them. I'm just saying
  20. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    I would argue this is a worthwhile debate topic.

    While it certainly varies from person to person, vaccines generally are very effective. Rejecting them is a personal choice, of course, but for the majority of people, they are effective ways to develop immunity to a variety of diseases. Logically, it makes little sense to reject them.