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Best Posts in Thread: Eden: An Underwater Town

  1. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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    Deep down, 30 blocks under the ocean, there lays a secret...



    Ok cool now that I've hopefully roped you in with my dramatic intro, I guess I should tell you about the town.
    A year ago, I lived in an underwater town called Bubblevapor or something. It is now long and lost, so I've used it as inspiration to create my own underwater town: Eden. (alpha.)

    "We don't have to build our own homes underwater, do we?" you ask. No, of course not! My staff and I have created simplistic, futuristic-style homes made from stone and glass. They look small, but actually have 168 blocks of floor area each! A town staff member can build one of these homes in approximately 30 minutes, yet they still manage to look cool. They cost 500 meebles each and tax is only 65 meebles. (Embassy tax is 80.)

    The town is a fetus, so there is still more construction to be done and features to be added. The only public feature we currently have is a greenhouse.

    Staff list (we are all builders):
    Mayor: Llamazon
    Co-mayors: CrythSpeedy, Isbg2003

    Images: http://imgur.com/a/4m4qA

    Welp, that's all I have to say. /t spawn Eden in alpha! Take a look around. Join if you wish, and claim any open house you can find. (Only claim one!)
    Mjs6000, 2leah2, fasehed and 4 others like this.