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Best Posts in Thread: Leaving meep.

  1. MiniArch_

    MiniArch_ Popular Meeper

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    Hello everyone! as many of you know, I am miniarch.

    For 2 and a half years now I have been a player of meep, and a lover of my fellow meepers. But I think the time has come where it is time for me to say good bye, for now. I have loved playing with you guys for these 2 and a half years and I will miss you all. I have so many good memories with you. If you are wondering why I am leaving here is why. I have been thinking about leaving meep for about 4 months now. I have seen a steady increase of negative speech in /g and this really makes it unpleasant when I come on. With everything going on with eula people have become even more negative and toxic in /g. These are the main reasons for me leaving. While I won't leave for good I will majorly cut down on the amount I play minecraft in general. I will try and stay pretty active on the forums just to stay in touch with you guys. If you want to stay in touch with me even more, add me to steam. Steam name: Relentless. <3 thanks for all the good times!

    Huge thanks to meeps staff for everything they have done. they have made my stay on meep 10x better! <3

    (This is no troll, I mean it for real).

    Cya guys! <3
  2. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    Allow witchcraft? That'll give an unfair disadvantage to those of us who don't practice it.