Additional In Game Names: 355mit300ch
When you were banned: 5-14-2016
a couple hours ago
Reason for ban: marcos
Ban Length: 7 days
Staff member who issued ban: Muunkee
What have you learned and why should we trust you to do better? I learned I should delete my marcos and the reason I had marcos is I used them for Nazi zombies on pc and I must've bumped my marcos that I set up the day prior cause I was messing with them on razer synapse with my friend and it was a mistake on my part and I won't ever do it again and I realized how much I messed up so if I could get a second chance that'd be great.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I really love meepcraft and would like to continue playing on it and I realize how bad I messed up[
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