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Best Posts in Thread: harassment stop it

  1. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Hello everyone.
    A series of events occurred in which started various flames and disputes among a large majority of meepers. One dispute that occurred was between me and Jadey. The first thing I had seen from her is that I was 'attention seeking' even though I do not attempt to be this, as I'm sure I could receive attention without donating : p Anyhow, we started a little quarrel since we first talked to each other. She had a dislike for me and I did not care for her because of such. We had a series of 'quabbles'.. Haha... Which led to serious action by KlutchDecals (along with various major events compiled). She had messaged me some things that I did not care for myself, things that hurt. Even if it is over the Internet, I shouldn't have to 'shut off my computer' because guess what? It will still be here when I come back :I I and everyone else would like to be on forums without having to 'avoid' other players hate. Anyhow, she messaged me this thing and I told her to stop. She did it once again and I repeated. She did it a last time and I alerted staff and notified them it was harrasment, which is what I took it as. They viewed my receiving DM's from her, in which they did see something (that I too, saw) from her saying for me to go die. NOT to go kill myself, as I stated twice in my account giveaway thread when the matter was brought up:
    She told me Inwas spreading lies telling everyone that Jadey told me to go kill myself. If I said that (which I beleive I didn't, please show me if I did providing a link) then I did not mean to, and every case I saw this I corrected the user who would state it. I should have not taken Jadeys 'harrasment' so seriously, even though I asked her numerous times to stop. I also took her telling me to go die to serious, as she was just heated up, and upset by my actions. She did build me a fort: image.png If you read the sign it is captioned:

    'Burritoh the lurer/scammer/attention seeker shack'
    Lurer- I regret this deeply, as I acted terribly. I started hitting her in Wild when I should not have done so. I did risk almost killing her even though I just wanted to make her fear losing her things. If I had killed her all things would have been repaid, and more, but that gives me absolutely NO RIGHT to act how I did. @Jadeybear7, I am sorry I did that to you.
    Scammer- ? From a long time ago, maybe ??
    Attention Seeker- if spending $4000 because I want attention seems realistic to you guys, then just stop :/ you've got to be kidding. The only thing that could have seemed like attention seeking was me making a mock Owner Application which was meant for laughs <3 was successful at first but quickly escalated to a burnt thread and MANY posts deleted for 'toxicity.' These posts were from toxic players and even TWO STAFF.

    The hut was set to flames later by @EnDer BunNieS :( Jadey said I made her sad, because I didn't appreciate the fort, she said she made it because: 'I tried to stop it [harrasment torqards Jadey by other players concerning me] by being nice and I tried to make you a nice hut in wild
    (I have no blocks and I am a useless builder) and I made you a banner and
    I am sorry.'
    Then she stated:
    'I took this screenshot because i was happy but kind of upset that you tried to lure me :/
    Still not at all disliking you. I never intended to come off as harassing you and now I'm about to leave
    meep with no attenetion because of the constantharassment from everyone I have been getting because of you.'
    And lastly:
    (I also set a home at your hut to remind me of it but someone blew it up)'

    Maybe I took the hut the wrong way? It was small, sign didn't read that great, and it was set on fire (covered in lava really..) by what I thought was you, though you claim it was Ender_Bunnies.
    You were, in fact, undoubtedly mean to me. When I tried to speak to you about a matter like this you'd just respond with 'stfu', and how you hated me and all these things. Then one day I didn't even say anything to you and you told me to go die. You might see as to why this was not taken so easily by me.

    In repsonse to me apparently saying, 'I was told to go kill myself, but to go die' I think I meant to say it as 'I wasn't told to go kill myself, but to go die'. I always try to be grammatically correct, and this was bad on my part.

    What I said about the hut:
    You made me a hut. <3

    Oh wait.

    </3 this hut was very small, crappy, and had a sign saying 'for Burritoh: scammer, attention seeker, (and something else)' I have screenshots I'll upload later. Then you proceeded to set it on fire with lava. I had asked you many times to stop and you didn't. When KlutchDecals made a thread and got on to tell everyone to leave me alone, even then you argued with him, saying I was just a attention seeker. When I said hello in /g you complained because I said 'hello' and started talking crap about me when I'd done nothing wrong. You started an argue meant with Klutch saying he was giving me 'special treatment' then you refused to answer him when he asked how. I'm sorry Jadey, if you were joking you would have said so. And yes, you did tell me to go die. Not a great joke if you ask me.

    Her response:
    This made me sad :(
    I actually did try to make you a nice hut and I made you a banner and stuff ;-;

    I've talked to klutch and he's fine. Its just the people who are harassing me that are annoying me now.
    Ive been harassed from summrs, masteroftoast, zsuzsu, bad spider
    all because I "bullied a kid for donating"
    Thats what you tell people
    Thats Why I get annoyed
    and im sorry

    Im very sorry Jadey, this is bad on both our parts but I should not have reacted like o did on some things. I did do the right thing on some events even if I didn't receive them correctly like reporting you for telling me to go die, but I should not have reacted the way I did on others.
    NOW.. I hear JADEY is being harassed. I don't like people harrassimg me, and NO ONE should be harrassimg Jadey! No matter WHAT she did. It's okay to discuss these events, but after she's said sorry and it's repeatedly being talked about directly to her in a non-friendly manner, it's too much.
    Refrain starting at this point on from harassing Jadey. If she lets me know somethings happened and I see it as harrassimg myself as I have the last few things she's shown me, I will report, and you will receive punishment. We were both in the wrong at some point, not at all in the right the whole time, and no one more in the right than the other party involved.

    WARNING ^^
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 23, 2016 ---
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    As an admin of the server it hurts me to see people fighting all the time, Burritoh is a great guy and i thank him for helping meepcraft as a person. He was supporting the server when he donated that money, and should have not gotten the hate he did. We need to come together as a community, Because the community is what makes this server so great, and its the reason i'm still here to this day.

    I joined meepcraft over 4 years ago, I have been here since that day because of this community.
  3. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    Iv been on the server a fair while and its just one of those things..it's what you expect from children . They think it's cool to hate. I have been through this at school but not in meep, but what I found was as soon as I left school everyone I knew changed for the better because they had to develop had to mature.

    You will always get that person who's jealous that person who hates the little guy. They will even hate the guy who became famouse because they feel he gained more attention in a week than their whole time playing meep.

    People hate me , they also hate you. Do I care? No. People have issues , I have issues.
    If someone wants to talk behind my back so be it because in the end I know I have friends that respect idolise and like me .
  4. Jadeybear7

    Jadeybear7 Popular Meeper

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    I dont even say anything and this starts lol. 2016-04-23_13.04.19.png 2016-04-23_13.05.49.png
  5. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    Locked upon request
  6. RightClickCarry

    RightClickCarry Popular Meeper

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    i told @NickxGold and he gave him a warning if they continue theyre gonna get banned its also clear to see in jadeys screenshots :)
    Hyori, Niiicck, Jadeybear7 and 2 others like this.
  7. RightClickCarry

    RightClickCarry Popular Meeper

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    guys i want to adress a serious problem ive been seeing lately

    and that beign people harrasing each other

    this needs to stop we are a family friendly server and it makes me sad to see people are quitting over it,

    i think if we all did something nice to each other we could grow stronger as a community but herrasment is not the answer to that.

    so please i beg of you all to stop it, be nice to each other and help each other out once in a while :)

    sorry but i just wanted to get it of my chest
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    _Gimble_1., Hyori, FatIsNoob and 2 others like this.