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Best Posts in Thread: Meep Powerangers.-Short Story

  1. captianspack

    captianspack Active Meeper

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    One day in the land of (insert name here because im to lazy to come up with names) in the town of (insert name here because im to lazy to come up with names) on (insert name here because im to lazy to come up with names) Street, there was a Girl by the name of Master_Of_Toast fangirling about Markiplier for possibly 48 hours straight, was interupted by a handsome...creature by the name of BlendyCat. This..creature told the girl that she had to go out on an adventure and do things and.....He wasnt good with his words. So, Master_Of_Toast set off in the first direction she look in. After walking for like, 2 seconds she met up with a team of Meep Powerangers. This group consisted of LadyCassandra, Burritoh, ConfirmUsername, Mirrella, 2004Greavous, Historia, and 2Leah2. They had happend to had been fighting a gigantic Walrus/beaver/unicorn(but evil) monster from space and it was like....kinda underwhelming. Nevertheless, Master_Of_Toast beat it up using her markiplier powers or whatever. Then Master_Of_ Toast went home and watched more markiplier videos.

    Special thanks to

    Da End! @Master_of_toast @Mirrella @Historia @2004Grevous @2leah2 @Burritoh @ladycassandra @BlendyCat @ConfirmUsername
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 16, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 16, 2016 ---
  2. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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