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Best Posts in Thread: Why i love meep

  1. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    I didn't know you needed to become staff to change yourself.
    cooey, Courtneyyy, Lilliya and 9 others like this.
  2. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    You always asked me to train you or give you tips, here is the best advice I can give you. To get better at anything in life you need to face people that are better than you, in pvp it's better if your not teamed with that many people because you get more fighting experience and end up getting better. I'm not the best pvper but in my opinion the reason I improved was because I fought people that were better than me such as @legendcaleb and @Foretvert. If you keep on beating people that are worse than you then you will never improve. If I were you I would suck it up and start fighting pyro and viper who don't want to team with you and eventually they will team with you as they see that you are getting better and can beat them at one point. The main reason I like @Aceninja17 is because no matter what people tell him he doesn't give up, like his been called cancerman, garbage at pvp and way more but he never cried about it and quit, I always see him ask for 1v1s from legendcaleb, cleaves and vlad even though he knows his going to lose.
    Never give up on anything in life, ever.
    Lemoh, metr0n0me, legendcaleb and 7 others like this.
  3. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Don't let one small issue take you from a server you enjoy playing on. There are a lot of players on whom you can still be friends with! If you do leave, thanks for enjoying MeepCraft!
  4. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    maybe the reason you werent accepted is because you lie, and you harass other people in global.
    cooey, Enron, metr0n0me and 7 others like this.
  5. The_Unkown675

    The_Unkown675 Celebrity Meeper

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    Dude, please don't quit, your cool, your funny, and all around cool person to see on the server. It would be a shame if you quit, not a favor.
    cooey, KaiUsesThis, Hyori and 6 others like this.
  6. Pyrotechboys

    Pyrotechboys Popular Meeper

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    i feel so bad i teared up while reading this...
    i didnt mean to hurt ur feelings pls dont quit ur a amazing person ive just been havin a bad mood today remember that we will always be friends no matter what
    Llamazon, cooey, Trexy and 5 others like this.
  7. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    I think yesterday I overreacted a bit on quitting meep. It's just. My whole life fell a part yesterday at school. Like I came on meep just to have a good time after a hard day. Then after pyro unteamed me I just flipped out. And now that I see that on these comments some people actually like me, just because my pvp buds don't team with me isn't a reason for me to quit meep. I have to say it meep isn't a pvp server and if I'm just playing meep for pvp I will quit
    , but I play it for the community, friends, and economy. I'm going to give meep another try.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 7, 2016 ---
    Btw, I would just like to start over I apologize to anyone I may have hurt and I'm going to start being nice and helpful.
  8. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    Dude all I did was unteam you, I never said we weren't friends, chill
    cooey, Trexy, Enron and 3 others like this.
  9. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Made me cry Dad :,)

    Anyway, he's right. You won't improve in math class if you keep practicing simple addition. It's natural for humans to take the easy road, and quite frankly it happens often. If you decide to go to kit, and practice there you might become better than some people, but you won't improve. If you want to hear my story I can tell you

    I was an arrogant hothead (what's changed?) and I thought I was the best on meep. Granted, I was still pretty decent, I was no star. Either way I thought I was good because I killed people in kit. Then, I was showed a pvp server and I got humiliated. So bad so, that the first fight I had I hackusated the person I fought.
    Anyway, each season I started having better ratings, until the point I was at a place where I could call myself good.

    Moral of the story, practice may not make perfect, but it does make you better. I would suggest not hiring a 'trainer' such as Viperfan or Pyrotechboys, but instead be your own trainer. That's the best trainer there is. If you teach yourself, it'll be better. Experience is the best way to learn
  10. Liz

    Liz Celebrity Meeper

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    yes, yes you did over react
    BlackJack, metr0n0me, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  11. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    Ok, I admit I've had a pretty hard time finding a server like meep, none of the communitys are that good and they all just aren't like meep.
    CluelessKlutz, Hyori, zsuzsu1 and 2 others like this.
  12. haod

    haod Well-Known Meeper

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    thank so much bam I'm gonna start doing that. I'm going to 1v1 viper right now.
  13. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Why staff always accepting "the end" of Meepers. Speaking of 'never give up' don't give up on them staying. We're trying to grow, not shrink.