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Best Posts in Thread: Chat Color (it's probably not what you think)

  1. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thread title is clickbait AF
    I mean seriously is this Buzzfeed now
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Can we talk about the dozen people that refuse to donate simply because of chat colors
    Why can't we get what we have already paid for
    it is unfair really
  3. LācisLT

    LācisLT Meeper

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    I thought of an idea. Some Ultimates are discontent with their current chat color, orange, and would rather have Supreme color.

    So I thought, if Ultimates essentially paid for Supreme too (I suppose we can treat people who went up from any other rank than Supreme the same way), why not let them pick from purple, orange, or white?

    Supremes could be given the opportunity for white, but I don't feel this would be a popular thing for colored chatters to ask for.

    So, what do you think? I am no expert, but it seems like a quick fix that could work.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    June said in the previous chat suggestion that it was removed from trello.

    ults have a horrendous chat color.
    We should get previous colors - what we already paid for.
    fasehed, KyloMeep, cooey and 4 others like this.
  5. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    I don't think they should be allowed to pick simply because it would be confusing. imagine every day your fellow meeper was changing chat colors. By human nature we're accustomed to consistency and if that's going to be changed all the time you're probably not going to like it as much (sorry for my poor explanation, I'm not a psych major lol); it's sloppy. Don't believe me? Go on servers that have the /nick command, where you can change your username and colors whenever you please - it looks really unprofessional and I think a big factor of donating is being a part of a more elite group. the consistancy just isn't there and currently that is an important part of Meep imo - it unites us.

    I suggest we have a poll to pick completely new (or the same) colors for ultimate and supreme that match their value because obviously these aren't working out for y'all (understandably, purple makes more of a dominant presence than does a cringe gold, even though gold is suposed to represent some kind of power).
    2leah2, Enron, HazTheMan99 and 2 others like this.
  6. LācisLT

    LācisLT Meeper

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    Yes, and that is subjective. Many people have openly stated they don't like the orange, even in this thread, and I don't think it was this exact suggestion - I feel that a chat color selection consisting of every color would be excessive, but allowing them to pick purple as well as orange can't be too much work for our Techs. They both get one noticed, and it's another customization option I thought would be a nice touch to get the rank but keep your better-liked color.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Is it so hard to give us an option?
    Is it so hard to keep orange if you like orange, but still have the ability to use a previous color (white or purple)?
    It's seriously not only going to make many people happy, but several people will rank up, or start saving for it.
    We're literally holding back people that want to donate and people that want ult because of a goddamn chat color!
  8. LācisLT

    LācisLT Meeper

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    I don't follow, how exactly would it have any effect on the economy howsoever? It's simply an aesthetic, cosmetic change based on someone's more liked color - it has literally no correlation to anything economic.

    @XxGedaviaManxX - Fair enough, let's say it will confuse people, but is it going to be that hard to get used to it? Why are you even looking at someone's rank in the first place, and who cares about what rank someone is in chat? It really shouldn't matter to anyone, because chat is about the messages and conversation, not about what rank someone is. Here's a little more detailing my ideas to counter your post:

    What? Did you intend for this to be able to trump any previously mentioned ideas? I legitimately cannot understand your thinking behind this example. It's not a very good one nor is it very well thought out. If you could elaborate, that'd be great; because currently it appears that you are inferencing that Ultimates who will change their color are selfish?

    This part is, in all seriousness, quite silly. You went overboard with the hyperbole in this one, but I'll attempt to demonstrate to you the ideas I have in order to counter your post.

    You tell who is who by the name. It was never the rank that differentiated people except with chat color - which, indeed, could confuse some people for a while, but they're both about equal in noticeability in the sea of white - and can't you just use /seen or /msg or something to find your friends?

    Also, what is the point of the last sentence? It's simply an unnecessary insult towards me.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
  9. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    This is probably the most selfish post I have ever seen from a staff member. "I like it, and because I like it no one else should be allowed to choose what they like. -1"
  10. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    I paid for kit pvp kits, I no longer have said kits.

    +1 ultimate is severely lacking in perks for the cost, having the ability to select a chat colour is a great incentive to donate.