I pee in the sink sometimes.
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Best Posts in Thread: most embarrassing thing you've ever done GO
I was at the main street of my town naked for at least two hours and later got taken home by police. I guess it could be embarrassing but it was fun.
Cherrykit, Supreme_Overlord, iMelXP and 8 others like this. -
When I had to present to my whole grade how a transgender operation is performed using a banana and two onions.
Cherrykit, Supreme_Overlord, Zoe89 and 7 others like this. -
As a child I thought kissing would get you pregnant.
GroovyGrevous, Cherrykit, Supreme_Overlord and 7 others like this. -
I fell asleep in band class for about 20 min. once and nobody noticed until there was an empty spot where my solo was supposed to be
GroovyGrevous, Cherrykit, Zoe89 and 5 others like this. -
In February I was stage manager for the talent show and some multi kids (special ed) were doing a sudden singing performance (wasnt part of the run-thru for rehearsal ) and so on the day of the show I accidentally closed the curtain on them a quarter into their song. The whole audience boo'd @ me.
SHARE UR SHAME IT MAKES U FEEL BETTERCherrykit, Pmx728, MoonlitMadness and 4 others like this. -
my profile picture is my face when i get embarrassed
uhh the number one thing that i'm willing to say is a few years back was when my sister was younger and like two boys were carrying her and i thought they were fighting over but they were just playing a game so i came down the slide and screamed the loudest i had ever screamed "STOP FIGHTING OVER MY SISTER!" -
SpongeyStar, GroovyGrevous, Cherrykit and 3 others like this.
Um so I was in year 5 (9/10 years old) and we had to hand in our homework book for the teacher to mark. But the night before, my sister wrote in the front of my book 'GO TO BED YOU MUTTON' However I didn't know. So when my teacher was marking my book she read it out to the class and told me to go to bed and everyone laughed.
Wasn't that bad but I felt so mad at my sister lol. More to come!Cherrykit, Toostenheimer, Jalapenos and 2 others like this. -
I was at the store with my mom to buy some stuff for my little brothers birthday and she told me to go get something and i went to get it. I couldn't find it at first but when i found it, i went back to my mom but she wasn't there. Then i saw her outside of the store and i just ran out to her, then all of the alarms went off because i was still holding the item and i ran out of the shop only to find out that it wasn't my mom. Then the cashier came up to me and said "you seem lost" and i just nodded because like i wouldn't be standing there if i wasn't. A few mins later my mom came out of the store and we went home. I haven't gone to that store ever since and that was literally the worst day of my life. sooooo embarassing
SpongeyStar, Cherrykit, iMelXP and 1 other person like this. -
I said tomatoes made me shrink so much as a kid to get out of eating them that I actually believed it until I was 9
GroovyGrevous, Cherrykit, PeriHeika and 1 other person like this. -
One time this guy was walking by me and he waved and i was like "hi!" and he said hi back but i realised that I was blasting "Come Together" by the Beatles so I had to turn it down (which was on my phone, mind you) and i didn't know how to role down my window so I was doing that at the same time and this girl was behind me (in her car, we were both in cars) and she was like "who is she (me)??" and the guy was like oh my friend from class then he told me that "his Jeep was better" (because we both drove Jeeps) and I was like "nah man what year is yours??" and he didn't hear me so I had to repeat it and it was so awkward and the girl behind me was like "what the frick!" and then I just drove off really fast. /embarrassment
Cherrykit, 2leah2, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this. -
The most embarrassing:
I was invited to a birthday party and my friend who invited me was popular with the older kids. They played a prank on me and pretended that a Nerf gun piece was a tazer (from a distance, it looked like one) They all ran towards me and I freaked out and pulled one of my friend's hair. I starting hiding, and crying, for 3 hours behind a small couch upstairs. I still get made fun of about that to this day.
This was when I was like 8 years old ofc
2nd most embarrassing moment:
There was a time when I was pushed into trash-can before class started. Right when I got out and punched the kid, we both got detentions from the teacher who just walked in.
And now we are best friends...
Final one:
When you listen to music and someone pulls the headphone jack out... and you left the sound on max before putting on headphones. (Since they both have different volume options on my mac)
Was listening to some Dubstep when the base dropped in Animal Science. Teacher looked at me and said "What kind of hardcore **** is that?" btw, he listens to country so we're polar opposites in taste in music.
Was really embarrassing...
I could go on and on about this, because I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life.Last edited: Apr 2, 2016Cherrykit, SpongeyStar, Toostenheimer and 1 other person like this.