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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from haod

  1. LadyCassandra

    LadyCassandra Rebel Angel Warrior | Sweet Baby Child

    Likes Received:
    I don't like being harsh on people. It keeps me mad for a good while before I lighten up. But one of the things that frustrate me the most is when people use me as a reference when I deliberately say no or you never asked me. If this is untrue, I will be happy to go back into the logs and check, but as far as I know, you never asked me to be a reference. My kindness is not my weakness, and do not use it against me. As hard as it is to turn down someone for being a reference, I have my own opinions too, and I do not think you are ready for staff. Wasn't it just yesterday that you had your friend file a ban appeal under your account? I know you're doing a favor for a friend, but that's not the way to do it. There are other ways. And last night, you kept asking me to donate 10k to your town to keep it alive, and had you stopped asking me after the second time, I would've donated some money. But the constant nagging got to me, and I had to put my foot down and just decide no. Haod, you can't do this to people. It's not mature or responsible of you. Chill; if someone says no, accept it. You cannot beg your way into the staff team, that's not how it works. As far as overall experience goes, I don't feel like I know you very well, and the times I've interacted with you have not been very positive. Sorry, but it's a -1 now.
    cooey, Cherrykit, Trexy and 5 others like this.
  2. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    ~ Immature
    ~ I would never trust you
    ~ you break your own rules ..
    Ex: I was at your pwarp and I witnessed you /dis to a baby chicken because you were getting rekt by a cit. Then a week later you told me you banned cleaves because he used /dis in the arena. I then asked about the cut incident and he try's losing saying the cit /dis'ed first. Your pwarp is also basically a scam because u have to go in the pvp arena to get to the head shop. While they try to reach the head shop they get killed.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2016
    Savage2017, cooey, Cherrykit and 4 others like this.
  3. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    You said an hour ago you were quitting because of the horrible comments on your staff app

  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    I'm just gonna leave these here.
  5. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    You're 11 years old, won't be able to handle the heat nor see simple sex references, -1