This is a very simple game.
We will start with a number (50) and when a staff replies, he/she will increase 1 to the last number (50+1=51) and then post that number. If a member replies, he/she will decrease 1 (51-1=50).
The game finishes when it gets 0 (Members Win) or 100 (Staff Win)
This game only has one rule: You must wait 5 Posts before you can put another number.
Lets Begin:
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Best Posts in Thread: Staff vs. Members
My first post on some staff-member interaction thread
46fasehed, Pmx728, BlueXGhost :D and 3 others like this. -
When staff be camping the forum hardcore style... gg staff gg
Its_Madison, LadyCassandra, Courtneyyy and 2 others like this. -
cooey, GroovyGrevous, Deljikho and 2 others like this.
Were doing this again? Oh my lol. 26
fasehed, Pmx728, Maneo and 1 other person like this. -
This page just casually goes up a good 5 pages in less than 12 hours.....Darke_Amethyst, Dockson, Hyori and 1 other person like this. -
LadyCassandra, GroovyGrevous, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this. -
Cherrykit, LadyCassandra, GroovyGrevous and 1 other person like this.
Pmx728, Darke_Amethyst, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this. -
LadyCassandra, Darke_Amethyst, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this. -
wow staff are good at this....Pmx728, Darke_Amethyst, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this. -
LadyCassandra, GroovyGrevous, Jalapenos and 1 other person like this.