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Best Posts in Thread: Taxidermy

  1. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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    As long as you're not killing the animal just so you can stuff it, there is no problem with it.
  2. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Why would I care? I'd be dead.
    Aarett, TNT404, cooey and 5 others like this.
  3. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    So, you want to ban something because it offends you? We should not go down this road.
    If an animal is already dead, (surely) the more use we can get out of it, the better. You might see it as offensive, but others might see it as a beautiful thing. The animal can make people happy even after it's gone, rather than being worm food.

    So long as the animal is not killed for the purpose of furniture or decoration, I have little to no problem with it. That caveat is key though.
    That is an entirely valid comparison.

    I don't 'get' why most people think humans are special. You're an animal. We are all cousins of squirrels and deer. Literally extended family. They have brains that do almost the exact same things that ours do. The our major difference being intelligence, though that would still depend on the animal.
  4. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    The whole, "people aren't comparable to animals," argument is usually just an appeal to emotion. It feels 'insulting' to people to be compared to other animals, so they agree.

    However, pertaining to this conversation, the argument has some validity because another factor is that the human species is our own. Because of this, it's natural to value ourselves as more important than other animals, no?

    Hypothetically, if we were talking about an alien race that was taxidermying all animals on earth, then sure, there wouldn't be any difference on their part in them taxidermying us or any other animal. However, if we were to take another intelligent and social animal, such as dolphins, and we were to say that dolphins were capable of taxidermying animals, it would be stranger to see them taxidermy each other than to see them taxidermy other animals. Even though it should be realized that humans are animals, it's natural to value the feelings, emotions, thoughts, etc. of your own species over that of others.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Do you guys think it's alright or is it horrible?

    Personally, I dislike it. Sure, it gives a 'use' to the animal once it's dead but how would you like it if your body was stuffed and put on display once you died?
