there are certain threads on the forums that make me "erk"
and this is one of them.
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Best Posts in Thread: Were Taking Over!
Just stop.BooBear1227, Epicdude141, legendcaleb and 7 others like this. -
why is this even a thing what
BooBear1227, Epicdude141, XxNine_TailsxX and 4 others like this. -
the elitesToostenheimer, fasehed, Pmx728 and 4 others like this. -
The Ultimates of Meepcraft have risen up.
We are taking over the server!
We have already trapped the owner, the tech, and the media!
We plan to take all the Supremes Next!
There is no hope for you, do not run, it will only make it worse.
We know where you are.
What you know, we know. What we know, you don't.
If you would like to join our ranks, here is our requirements
1. Must be an Ultimate
2. If you are not an Ultimate, you must be invited by an Ultimate
3. You must apply by /mailing me or xliz. We don't want the names of our recruits in the public eye.
Don't believe us?
Here's proof
The Media
The Tech
And The Owner
As you can see, the owner has given up. So should you. There is no hope.
- Ultimates
SirCallow, fasehed, Ranger0203 and 3 others like this. -
--- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2016, Original Post Date: Jan 1, 2016 ---
Toostenheimer, LJJJJJJJ, Epicdude141 and 1 other person like this. -
LJJJJJJJ, Ranger0203, Darke_Amethyst and 1 other person like this.