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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from Kling

  1. dragon8877

    dragon8877 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Serious Answer: He has a very interesting backstory which proves his maturity and his startling abilities to deal with kids. He knows how to deal with kids that come on this server in a: well-mannered, mature, polite way. On a team speak call, a cousin of a player came online, repeating his name like a middle school girl at a Justin Bieber concert, and he didn't lose his cool or composure. Instead, he seemed genuinely interested into what she had to say. He has voiced his interest in helping those around him both of teamspeak, real life, and in the meep community. Is he the next SuperMod, I don't know. Does he have the potential to be a superior helper? Hell Yeah!

    None-Serious Answer: This man, this man is god incarnate. This man is the light of my day, night of my night, and cherry to favorite flavor of my eternal Popsicle. This man brings happiness to my life that no other player has done. I have gained a six pack simply by talking to him on teamspeak, my water turned into kool-aid while in my cup when he said "scurphdusious" , and I believe that he has knowledge to make a potion of immortality. He makes me feel like a real man, a man with overflowing blonde hair tossed gently in the wind. I have lost 20 pounds simply by being in his presence, his voice soothing the deep dark pits of my heart. He will one day succeed God, Allah, Zeus, Poseidon, and the God of the isolated tiki tribe on a deserted island. This man can walk on water with hacks, fly through the air without donating, and be rich while being generous. When he walks, he spawns diamond blocks beneath him. One day, he walked through the valley of death and feared no evil, because he brought a flashlight, and monsters in the valley of death are sensitive to light.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    You're a lovely guy and enjoyable to talk to.
    One thing is I don't see you being super helpful in shout, nor active on TS.

    You do have good qualities and I can see you being better than quite a few current staff. +1.
  3. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

    Likes Received:
    Member Name Kling

    Additional In Game Names: oKLINGo

    How old are you? 17

    Location: Newcastle, Australia

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-8

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's JadeyPotato

    When did you join Meepcraft? 2012 but re joined October-18-2014

    Introduction: G'day reader!

    My name is Kieran and known as Kling to most. I was born in Leeds, England and moved to Newcastle, Australia at a young age.

    The reason for that is because I have goals that not many see which is to play football/soccer at a professional level.

    Throughout the day I am training/working out for up to 6 hours or working as a labourer and by night I work as an all rounder at a wood fire pizza and Indian shop. With that I am serving people, preparing food or washing dishes on a low wage but I am happy because it gets me what I need and nothing more or less. When I am not working or training I am watching anime, hanging out with friend and playing Meepcraft.

    One of my personal achievements is coaching an U10 football/soccer at the age at the age of 17. With that I helped them improve at the sport and troubles that they had.

    When typing I tend to be somewhat more blunt and like to keep things short so If you would like to know more about myself pop in on team speak or in game and have a chat.

    Why should you be Helper? To be honest I want to handle mod requests and to give the team an addition member for when the server is at its highest, also when there is usually no staff members online or one. That is the easiest way to put it without getting too cheesy so I will list some points of assets I have.

    Helping - Throughout my life I have helped a lot of people through things whether that be problems with friend/relationships, work, life threatening situations and the youth. Within the game I help players with their towns, how to get places and other problems they have in/out the game.

    Activity - I am online at the right time to benefit the server and staff team. I am online at Meepcrafts peek and also at its low.

    Leadership and experience - I can refer work and coaching to being a helper. I am always looking to help the server and people within the game and out. Although I have a general knowledge of the rules there is more for me to learn and I will in order to help the community.

    Tolerance and unbiased - It will take a long time to get me angered (toxic players) and I love helping the new players coming into Meep. I will never pick a persons side because they are my friend, I don't talk to a few people I use to because they done something wrong and I didn't pick sides. So if I have a friend on the server doing something wrong they would be punished like every other player would.

    Communication and teamwork - I have great communication skills for instance dealing with rude or nice customers at work and also relaying orders to the kitchen. So I can deal with a toxic player and the new players that are eager to learn. I am highly use to working within a team of many ages. That being with sports and work and even talking to people on team speak so I am able to communicate with the older and younger players with ease.

    What are your weaknesses? Immaturity - I can be immature here and there but I know when it is the right place/time for it and know when to stop.

    Blunt - I always speak my mind and am straight to the point, no curve balls so people sometime get the wrong idea of what I mean so I can try to improve on that.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Thank you for making it to this point of my application!

    Please leave feedback on what I can do to improve and also feedback on what I have done right.

    Summers, cooey, CrazyYoungBro and 4 others like this.
  4. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the feedback everyone!

    You were not online when I made it Metr0 so I now add Metr0n0me to that list of reference.
  5. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:

    This app contains a couple of big, fat lies.

    1) Immaturity as a weakness: I see you regularly in Teamspeak, and you're always so laid back and relaxed. When some of the more immature members are teasing you mercilessly, you just laugh along. When the server is acting badly, you quickly brush it off, and move on. I can't recall one instance where you seemed truly angry for any time longer than a microsecond.

    I'm old, and I prefer to Teamspeak with more mature groups. When I look for a channel to join, there are two people in particular I'll look for: Jess_4ds (who is nearly as old) and you.

    2) Bluntness as a weakness: You may not waste a lot of extra characters in your text (I can't say, as I haven't seen a lot of it) but you have a tendency to be very respectful of the views of others, even when you disagree, and you're very open to feedback. Those two traits tend to soften bluntness.

    So basically, you have no negative qualities that would impact your ability as a Helper, except you lied on your app about having some negative qualities, and are therefore not to be trusted.

    Unless you're lying to yourself, and you don't really know how awesome you are?

    Or you just felt pressured to put something, you couldn't just leave it blank and possibly be seen as arrogant (another negative quality you have not displayed)?

    Wait, what was my objection again?

    Oh, nevermind.

  6. LittleLocky

    LittleLocky Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Its an obvious +1 from me.
    Talk to you a lot so I know that you are nice guy, mature and that when comes to helpin' people you'll try even if you don't know.
  7. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

    Likes Received:
    You are pretty active in game ts and forums, and you are really mature. I believe you could handle well the position, if accepted.
    Good luck!
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  8. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I have a really strong feeling about you.
    You're very mature and kind. Clearly active on Teamspeak and Minecraft.
    I've been waiting for you to apply. Something about you makes me know that you're right for this job. I can't say that about myself, my friends, or anyone else. There's a difference between being a good staff member, and being the bread and butter of a server. I believe that you have the possibility of being cream of the crop.
    If you want something to work on, be more active on forums. That's all I have to say.
    I push all my love and luck into your application!