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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from Muunkee - Alexia

  1. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    I like you but like I said you need to work on your attitude. Which you have, but it got worse before it got better so you're pretty much in the same place from the first time I told you that. I have no doubt you'd do a lot of work as a helper but I can't see you ever going beyond that which troubles me. I see you only being a modreq person almost as if a computer, round the clock, input/output but we need people to be leaders, to be a face for a business that wants to succeed. You also have such strong feelings about people that prevent you from working as a team and I do not look forward to your attitude in our staff chats towards current and past staff. Even if you say nothing, the turmoil lingers towards people I consider my friends and family. You still have so much to work on that's so inherently personal but you are constantly riding on how well you know the server, which you do... but how well do you know yourself?
    Klitch, legendcaleb, SX1 and 10 others like this.
  2. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    Upon my return to meep, I met monkey and we got along extremely well. We may have disagreed on debate subject, but at the end of the day we still have the same ideology for video game servers. After discussing with her ideas to make meep a better place, I was asked not only by her, but many others, to make a return. I respectfully denied and continued to give her advice and ideas. I foresaw this app before she mentioned it to me, and I give her my full support. She may have a shaky past, but she has more experience and dedication to MeepCraft than some of the current staff.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Member Name Muunkee - Alexia

    Additional In Game Names: Muunkee, Brownie000 (shared), Meepshop (shared, don't use)

    How old are you? 16

    Location: Texas, US

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-8

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-8 satuerday, 6-10 sunday

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Bob4444444,Lady Hestia, spongeystar, Adlovesdogs, iiTzJDL, the_unkown675, hippapajo, Deljikho, GeneralNOVA

    When did you join Meepcraft? Aug. 19, 2013

    Introduction: My name is Alexia. As I’ve listed, I live in Texas. I’m currently a professional Scottish dancer. I also do Pekiti, which is a Filipino martial art. I go horseback riding when I can, and I also enjoy doing lots of artsy stuff or embroidery while I watch stuff online.
    I’ve played MeepCraft for over two years now, and it's been a wild ride, to say the very least. I have been helper twice previously with a total time of about five and a half months. I fully enjoyed staffing and staying up late and getting up early to do modreqs was fun, in my opinion. Both times I got demoted, as I shall explain later in the application.

    Why should you be Helper? As I stated I've been staff twice for a good period of time. I understand the prism system very well, both in how to use it and to educate others. I know how the modreq system works, how to answered them efficiently and thoroughly, and I know at least 90% of all commands people can use, from towny, skyblock, donor perks, et cetera. I can answer any question as well as respond to all the messages sent to me, even on a busy time when there's multiple people talking to me.

    I’ve been active on this server on all three aspects for the whole of two years I’ve been here. I’ve never quit, even when I was banned I would browse through forums. I will admit, some of my time was not good, but I’ve always been here, I have always tried to help out, and I don’t see any quitting. School has started up again, but as a homeschooler my schedule is very flexible and will still allow me plenty of time to be here and help out nearly any time of day, including late at night. I am available on Skype and forums any time that I am awake, TeamSpeak whenever I am home, and in-game when my school is finished (not counting Minechat). I'm willing to talk to and help people no matter how you reach me.

    I know I can ban with little to no bias. I’ve banned several friends and reported several friends in the past. I banned my (at the time) boyfriend for making a drug reference in shout. I don’t hold back because I like the player, I don’t ban for extra time or give extra fines when I hate them. When you’re handling a ban, you look at the name and not the person. You see their history, you see what they did, and ban based on that. Not your personal feelings.

    Modreqs are generally pretty simple and take little time, and those are no issue. Even the bigger ones that take a long time, are just as simple in the long run. Last year, as staff the second time, I did a modreq for a theft. Three hours later, a 1.2 million-meeble theft of all e-books, I took care of it. That's the biggest example I have, but know that I'm willing to do pretty much any modreq, no matter how difficult it it, how long it takes, or how much I need to research before I find an answer.

    What are your weaknesses? Negativity - I can sometimes be very impulsive and negative to players and ideas when I am tired and frustrated. I’ve been working on for a good, long while. This also ties in with my not-so-good wording skills. An example was not too long ago, I was talking on a suggestions thread, and I said ‘’If you want this perk, go to another server and spend your money there.’’ I really meant it along the lines of ‘If you don’t like this server, there’s other servers out there, play those.’’ It came out wrong, and while it means the same thing I could have said it a lot better. I’m trying to be careful about how I say things now.
    Recording - I’m currently working on getting a recording software that doesn’t absolutely murder my computer to the point where it’s useless and will lag so much I can't get footage. I’ll look for a better recording software if needed, but I’m not entirely sure if this probably can actually be fixed.

    -Past times as staff
    I’ve been staff twice now. The first time was between two and three months, and the second was two months exactly. The first time I was staff, which was a year ago now, I’ll admit. I was terribly lazy, I did not file things I needed to for staff, I banned wrongly and didn’t ban when I should have, and that’s not even all of the issues.
    The second time went from October 25 to December 25 2014. I know I did a better job that time, I knew the job a lot better and was more prepared. Mistakes were made, and there was lots of sexual content via /msg. I was demoted for not really representing the staff team, and the other things said above that I did again. I promise once again these mistakes won’t happen. Third time’s the charm!

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Note that my alts are shared, and may not be me if they’re on.

    I have eight bans on my history. All of them were immediate unbans except for one in late 2013 which I don't really feel the need to list.
    My last ban involved blackmailing a player. Lots of people know their IGNs, so I'll just say them. Qawsedrf (the first owner of that account) bought Ashurea a rank, Elite. She did something, I've no idea what, that made him angry. He demanded 4 mil for the rank or he would charge back the rank. Qaws then said I would get a cut (I was never informed how much), of the money if I could convince her to send it. So I tried.
    After I got caught, I lied about it. A lot. Yeah, I shouldn’t have. But I did. Not much I can say to argue against this, I just flat-out lied for all of that time, except about a week and a half when I admitted it then got unbanned. I was unbanned on July 16.
    I don't have a real reason to do this. I don't. I have an excuse. I was angry. Also, greedy, toxic, and rude as all hell. The ban, to be blunt, gave me the kick in the backside I needed. I've been working on my attitude, I know there are times I get unfavorable to say the least, but I'm learning to try and ignore it, and I'm ending up in a better mood.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my past times as staff and wish to do it again.
    I can understand not being given another chance, but I would very much appreciate it if I could try again. Being staff made me happy and I miss it. Striving for staff is something I’ve always done and will probably continue to do.
    Thank you.
  4. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    +1. Muunkee, you are a great friend and I am telling you I am not bias here. You were banned with that huge ban across all servers, I have had chats with you on Skype, I feel you have improved. I think you have got what it takes, just work on that negativity ;)

    P.S Why does my name (in the references) not have capitals!!! offended