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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from Jess_4Ds

  1. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    Member Name Jess_4Ds

    Additional In Game Names: none

    How old are you? 37

    Location: USA

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 10

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 10

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? 03/10/15

    Introduction: Well to start off with I am a mom of 4 wonderful kids. I have 3 boys ages 11, 9, and 5, and 1 daughter age 2. I am a stay at home mom who enjoys babysitting for others. On average I have about 8 kids in my house a day.

    My kids introduced me to minecraft about 2 years ago on x-box. From there I ventured to pc and never went back. I love minecraft and the endless possibilities playing it includes. Minecraft to me is like legos on pc.

    Other than minecraft I enjoy hanging out with family and friends. We love camping, fishing, hunting, swimming, just about anything outdoors. I live in Minnesota which allows us to enjoy outdoor activities all year round with all four of our beautiful seasons.

    Why should you be Helper? I really enjoying helping others and try to help people whenever I can. I come on pretty early in the morning, my time anyhow, and notice that quite often there is no staff on at that time. Many people have come to me for help and I do what I can to assist them.

    I am a very patient and understanding person and I understand kids, being a mom of 4 kind of helps that.

    I really enjoy meepcraft and its community and would love to volunteer my time to help out the server in any way I possibly can.

    What are your weaknesses? My kind, forgiving, and helpful nature are both my biggest weeknesses and strengths. I would give away my last dollar if someone needed it. I believe in giving people chances and probably believe in giving them more chances than they deserve, but I believe that everyone has good in them and that everyone is capable of change.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Although I have never been staff on any other server I did own a server not too long ago. I am a very fast learner and do all I can to know what I need to know to do my job and do it right.