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Best Posts in Thread: Staff Member Trophy (Forums)

  1. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    REMOVE IT. There's no real reason for it. Trophy points are earned by your forums activity (if you even log on to get trophy point), your posts, your likes, etc. Becoming a staff member is not an achievement you have made on the forums. Overall, there's no point to having it if you're not even gonna give it to at least 90% of the people who have worked for the server. It serves no purpose, and I propose to remove it. It's unnecessary to have it, and once again, I do think it should be removed. I'm open to any arguments, and all feedback would be great.
    cooey, BooBear1227, Cherrykit and 8 others like this.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Too much work, not enough return for my time investment, honestly. My first stint as admin I was spending 10+ hours a day online, and I had nothing to show for it, the only time I was able to make money is when I spawned it in for myself. The 2nd time I shouldn't have even taken it, my heart wasn't in it, I was yet again beginning to show nothing for the effort. I ended up selling more ranks to keep my town afloat because I never played, I mean when you have a million things to do, you can't just sit there and pretend like you don't have anything to do and go mine in the wild, heh.

    This is not blasting or trying to be disrespectful to anyone, either. I was once told by a wise man that he was glad I returned to staff because I said things as I saw them, wrong or right. I hold the utmost respect for this server, and the people who spend time here trying to do their best to make this enjoyable for the players. But it's frakking frustrating at times being in staff, I couldn't count how many times I had to lose my cool in order to prevent something dumb from happening, or to fix something dumb that already happened. (Like wiping a player 23 days after he was unbanned, on the 4th of July, despite some people yelling in caps and f-bombs not to do it)

    - Things happen, people mess up, that's life, and I'm not holding that against the server, but the truth is, all in all - Staff needs some sort of reward system, they do actually need to gain something out of this. Hell, give them a free $10 rank every month to apply to an alt, or sell off, very low cost which greatly rewards the staff for their job. That is how you keep good people. (Hell, someone staff for 16 months, or 32 months? They deserve those respective ranks, they helped the server profit 5x I'd assume)

    Techs get paid, Architects get a portfolio to apply for paying jobs with, they gain.

    The guys and gals who spend hours and hours and hours get screamed at, told their server and staff sucks, and largely ignored.
    Bob4444444, SJP, SX1 and 2 others like this.
  3. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    +1. Can I +1 that even more? No, that needs fixed.

    I would like to see it removed. Not because I was staff and am not now, and I don't get a trophy.

    StoryTime (open)

    I served "16" months on the staff team, I don't care if I get a stupid trophy or the accolades, it was because I was being helpful to not only others, but finding myself and becoming a better person.

    That's not a legitimate reason. All the other points come from "being awesome" (takes care of 3sa and 8s that bugged people) or actually achieving something.

    Yay For You (open)
    Yay, you're staff. Woopdefreakingdoo. Congrats on being staff.Congrats on being there for when the trophy was given. It should not be a thing that exists point blank. (Staff chose who get sstaff, so staff chose who get trophy points, lmao)

    Being staff, hmmmm.

    Do you have to be rewarded for being staff? Hahaha. You are funny. We talked about it several time in meetings. You should be personally happy that you are staff, and that should be enough.

    Staff are gonna say they want to keep it, because it benefits them with their points. Yeah, it's 15 points. That 15 points can separate anyone from any title you get (Member, Active, Well-Known, Popular, Celebrity....).

    Go ahead and just keep it for those who already have it, but get rid of it. It was stupid to put it in in the first place. Benefiting yourselves are you? That's not what being staff is all about.... Did you become staff for the accolades and the popularity, or did you become a staff member to help out the server?

    tl:dr; Read it please. Also, read my lovely spoiler alerts. Thanks <3