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Best Posts in Thread: Target Audience

  1. TNT404

    TNT404 Popular Meeper

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    So in the past 3 years I have been on this server, I have seen the Target Audience Age go from 16, to 14, to 10, to 8, and to the current 5.

    This is absurd. There is no merit and idgaf about the Staff's "I don't want my child exposed to this." nonsense reason. So if you have a child age 11, I'm sorry to inform you that in this day and age, they probably know all but two swears in the English Language, at 12 they know em all. Now I'm not saying we should allow every swear, i'm just saying your reasoning is BS.

    I am suggesting that we go to an Age 10 audience, and by age 10, I mean MODERN age 10. I say we should allow the basic 5 swears: hell, damn, a**, s***, f***. Because honestly, if you let your kids on the internet, they know the words...

    All the current target does is make people annoyed and doesn't help bring new players, because 5 year olds aren't browsing for servers.

    Also the things I put are basic logic. TV, Internet, Videogames, BOOKS.

  2. TNT404

    TNT404 Popular Meeper

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    Go to Russia and blindly watch RT.

    Now to wait for a real reply
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    No, this argument is ignorant. There is no need to curse, you just want to, but you cannot, and it makes you mad. Too bad, there are a lot of places where cursing is not appropriate. I don't see any of you petitioning outside any churches about how you should be allowed to just curse in there.

    Grow up, really. You can't curse, oh well, use another word - We have like, an entire dictionary full of them.

    It doesn't matter why you cannot curse. Again, I'm sure most of the adult population also doesn't want to see a bunch of pre-teens and teen children cursing all day and night, because that is what will happen.

    It doesn't matter how many words you use, or how you put them together, this argument will always be:

    I want to curse

    I can't curse

    Let me curse
  4. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    Woah that slope sure is slippery, did you butter it?
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I have no need, I choose to do it. When I am in situations where it is not appropriate - I don't curse, I don't expect them to change their rules, I simply respect that situation.
    metr0n0me, Jiltism, Chaase5 and 2 others like this.
  6. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    How come hell and damn are allowed but I go through a 3 hour ban for saying 420 blaze it
  7. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    I think it's hilarious you think allowing swearing raises the target audience. Adults don't swear as much as you think lol id get fired at my job
  8. 00000

    00000 Guest

    You are one of our youngest members, do you know swear words?
  9. OneBreadSlice

    OneBreadSlice Celebrity Meeper

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    You're making it sound like swearing is like a drug addiction.

    It's not. Some people say it because that's the environment they grew up in. Am I saying we should allow every word because players are exposed differently than others? Certainly not. When I can't say some basic profanities because it's going to make younger players feel threatened or draw them away from the server it becomes pretty pathetic. In all of the MC servers I play, only Meep has been so harsh on saying swear words. Currently I play a server where you can say whatever you want, as long as it isn't directed as a racial slur, defacating a gender, or directed at any particular player. If players are going to be drawn away because Meep allows swearing, they are going to have a hell of a time finding one that doesn't.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    If you have the need to curse; you're an ignorant human being. I probably curse more than you all, combined; I have never had any issues from being prohibited from cursing ingame.