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Best Posts in Thread: New Spawn.

  1. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    It was only expensive because Fuzzlr took that route for the spawn - instead of using the Architects he already had. The server has many, many architects who could create a spawn much greater than the current if they worked as a team. That was very ignorant of you, completely ignoring all his main points as to why he is suggestion for the new spawn. I don't particularly like the current spawn for many reasons, but I'm also not that fussed for the server getting a brand new spawn at this moment.

    Following on from you first point, "We made a new spawn because you guys wanted it" Sure people wanted a new spawn, as with everyone - they want new stuff, but your point is irrelevant as the community had little to no say for the spawn.

    And for your second point, "So we can't just make a new spawn. It takes time, money, and lots of the important things that need to be done will be put on hold" The current staff team is much larger than it's ever been with all the new architects, techs and moderation staff, while still taking on applications. The server has more than enough people for this, a new spawn isn't the largest project in the world and like I said, it can easily be achieved - or Fuzzlr could always pay someone out of Meep to build another spawn, taking no time off from the current operations.

    and like Nerf said, that it wouldn't be implemented right this second is just like any other suggestion, a new spawn isn't any different.

    Anyway, like I said in my previous reply and in this reply - I'm still for a new spawn, some time in the future.
  2. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    "You can't be serious... We made a new spawn because you guys wanted it. It was extremely expensive and took a very long time to make. We can't make a new spawn with the snap of a finger because you guys are "getting bored with spawn". It is a very very amazing spawn and it represents how good of a server we own. So we can't just make a new spawn. It takes time, money, and lots of the important things that need to be done will be put on hold."

    "You can't be serious"
    Actually. He was serious, He made a decent thread, with good details, and good amount of effort. He probably just looked at the title and said, this stupid, like he does with all the threads ,and wrote an ignorant comment. If he put in that much time into making the thread, he is obviously serious.

    "We made a new spawn because you guys wanted it. It was extremely expensive and took a very long time to make.
    We did want a new spawn. Is it wrong to get bored of it? Fuzzier has hired architects that could of built as much as a beautiful as it is currently. Whats the point of the architects if they arrant gonna build anything. Why not give them a chance to do something big. "extremely expensive" and "took a long time to make" is all in the past now. Things change. The so call "donations" the server gets hopefully doesn't get put to waste. Why not use it for what the community wants.

    "We can't make a new spawn"
    What kind of response is that? Of course you can make a new spawn? What do you have no sense of anything? You have what, like 9 architects now? Stupid questions usually lead to stupid arguments.

    "with the snap of a finger"
    No one asked for it to be immediate. It was suggestion. Chill. Thank you captain obvious for pointing that out. Obviously you can't build a whole spawn in a blink of an eye.

    "because you guys are "getting bored with spawn"."
    Wow, way to turn the whole blame on us. No one asked for you to be rude about it. We asked for your opinion, not for whose to blame. Yes, we get bored of the spawn. It is natural to our eyes now. Some people see it as boring. Some people see it differently from you do. The whole world does evolve around what you think. You can't blame us for "getting bored" it is natural for us. Accept it.

    "It is a very very amazing spawn and it represents how good of a server we own."
    Finally a comment I don't have to rant on about.

    "So we can't just make a new spawn."
    Thank you for clarifying that twice now. We know you are liar, and that it is possible. Stop making it a huge deal and move on. What is the reason for becoming to rude about it? I would have never hired you as a staff if you would talk to the community that way. It was just a suggestion. Chill

    "It takes time, money, and lots of the important things that need to be done will be put on hold."
    Again, thank you captain obvious. Explain how much money it would be when you could just use the architects you already have. That would save a lot.
    Not to mention, everything the staff does for us, it through the eyes of the staff, and we usually don't a say in most things. You approached this as if we were peasants, and that we did this to make you happy, and now you're not. Well yah, kinda, we had no say in it, because the server is made through the eyes of the staff, not the community.
    Instead of just replying with a constructive comment, and a vote, you completely turn the fault on us, and rudely responds to a thread that was just a suggestion. No one asked for you to turn the whole argument into ur fault, and to explain everything that goes into making a spawn. We just wanted a vote, and constructive response.
    I dont understand how one person can be this ignorant.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  3. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    If you don't have anything nice to say that isn't related to this thread. Don't say it at all c:
  4. Chaase5

    Chaase5 Popular Meeper

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    I know that many staff may disagree with this, but I think the community will back me up on this one.

    The spawn that we have right now is decent at best (my opinion). The layout of it is poor and things are scrambled around at random places. Overall it is hard to get around and can be very confusing (if a new player). I think the look of the spawn is great, but it seems to get bland after looking at it for such a long time.

    Many new things are being added. You might say that the spawn is super big and has enough space for them, but there are getting placed in bad places. They are too spread out . It's just starting to get way unorganized.

    Lastly, all of the players are getting bored of this new spawn. It has been here for about 9 months (correct me if I am wrong), and it has died. People used to sit in spawn and do other things in it. Now it is just dead. The most people I see there are about 20 at a time.

    With a new spawn we could have many new things that would benefit the server and community more:
    • More organized
    • New Terrarium
    • Places for new things being added (Pets, Stocks, ect...)
    • Layout improvement
    • More welcoming to new players (Tutorial isn't the best right now)
    • Keep the spawn changing and fresh
    • Better donor spawn
    These are just some of the many things that would make the spawn better. Lets get some feedback and show the staff that a new spawn could be great.

  5. Chaase5

    Chaase5 Popular Meeper

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    I never said that this would be implemented right this second did I? How about you take the time to read my post and stop jumping to conclusions.
    legendcaleb, Ace, nhjed and 2 others like this.